Mar 31, 2018


We started a new routine here at CS2 on Saturday mornings.  Rich gets up at the crack of dawn (5:30!) and reads his papers and watches all of the shows that he tapes on the DVR thingie during the week. (It's basically the equivalent of a little kid getting up to watch Saturday morning cartoons...which I find quite endearing.)

I stumble out sometime around 9:00 and after two big cups of damn good, I venture into the kitchen to make something.  Today it was Snickerdoodle Scones:

Then Rich leaves for pickleball and I am back in the Happy Chair with the Food Network and the paper:

And then a little stitching:

If I can, I will eventually pull on my shoes and socks and go for a long walk before coming home to grab a hot scrubby shower, clean jams, and either a movie or two on the TeeVee, or a nap in the big girl sleigh bed.

This isn't for amateurs, kids, I promise you.  You really do need years and years of training in the art of quiet slothitude.  I've been practicing for years, so am adept at the sitting down for hours on end thing, so don't try to get to this level all at once.

(Unless, of course, you are rendered ill will the flu or something.  Then, by all means, go for it.)

New meds are making me a bit green about the gills, but if it subsides we might try to go out this evening.  There is a blues bar that Rich is anxious to see, and I am determined to get him out into the fresh air to prevent him from going stir crazy.

Nothing else to report.  I hope that your very own Saturday is exactly what you want it to be. Do something fun and come tell me all about it!


  1. Snickerdoodle Scones sound great - where might I find the recipe?
    Have a great day!

  2. I admire your fortitude in the face of a grueling schedule!😉 Seriously, take care of yourself, pamper yourself when possible, and keep us up to date. This morning I baked pecan shortbread before settling in for a little stitching. Next up, mending.

  3. It sounds like a lovely Saturday to me!! I get up well before hubby also, one of my meds is finicky about time taken, by then I am awake, so I have my coffee and stitching for a couple of hours before hubby gets up. He likes to chat first thing, I like silence, so it all works out. Have a great weekend. xo

  4. Your scones look quite tasty, Coni. We just returned from the grocery store; it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Heading off to the stitching chair as soon as I refill the mug. Wishing you a restful day and hope you are less green around the gills.

  5. slothitude ~ .... love it! I thought of you when I heard
    the sad news that CA is mandating that coffee come with
    a warning label - some chemical used in roasting the beans... wonder how many are going to give up the damn
    good first thing in the a.m. based upon that?

  6. Please post the recipe - I just got home from the beauty shop - there is a woman that makes fresh scones and sells them in the beauty shop along with a pecan cinnamon breakfast cake. I had preordered scones - 2 dozen orange & cranberries & pecan scones for the total of $56.00 - should would be easier and much cheaper to make them at home. Yours look very similar to her except the top she puts large granulated sugar & orange zest on top. Here's hoping you will share! Have a great day!

  7. I'm an expert at Slothitude (really like this new word. Wonder if they will put it in Webster's). You deserve a Slothitude day or two. The scones sound fantastic. Chocolate chip have been my scone of choice lately. Enjoy! Happy Easter!

    Sandra in Texas

  8. By the way, what is pickleball?

    Sandra in Texas

    1. Wiki says Pickleball is a paddle sport (similar to a racquet sport) that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.

      Susan Anonymouse

  9. Those scones look delicious! I hope you and Rich are out, enjoying the evening.

  10. Coni, I was born with slothitude - I just wish I could practice it more. But, alas, God has other plans for my life. (I don't want illness or anything to bring back my slothitude, just good old retirement and time.) Your scones look very yummy!!!

    1. Me too! I certainly look forward to retirement and more slothitude...but always try to remind myself that although I have health problems, they are not debilitating right now.

      Debbie in Kansas

  11. Your scones look delicious!! And that sounds like an absolutely perfect way to spend a Saturday :)
