Feb 9, 2018


Snowmageddon, indeed. I made it through the tundra and into the dialysis center by the use of sheer will.  I drove slowly and carefully, channelled my inner big girl, and thought happy thoughts the entire nerve-wracking time.

Only two patients called off, but almost all of the techs and nurses decided to stay home.  My tech today is a bit frazzled, but cheery and determined, so I'm good.  I'm in patient mode, but doing my part to entertain the troops with my pink socks, PopTarts, and crazy leggings.

(What can I say?  I am really good at creating comfort for myself, and those three items have kind of become my battle provisions.  I set my chair up in a certain way, snack on the same stuff, and wear a uniform.)

(Whatever works...right?)

Jersey Boy is home shivering under his couch blanket...marveling at the snow.  I tried to explain that this was actually pretty normal a few years ago, and that we seem to have gotten a bit spolied with mild winters lately, but he seemed more worried about how I was gong to drive myself to and fro today.

(Can I tell you a secret about him?)

(He is a TERRIBLE driver.)

(Yes...he is the love of my life and my dream come true and everything I've ever wanted and a complete re-incarnation of both Stewey and my dad, but the man. cannot. drive.)

(But that's our secret, OK?)

So I'm hooked up, cozy and comfy, and enjoying the pretty view:

Sorry you can't see anything but...white, but that's pretty much what's out there today.  Lots and lots of white.  Methinks the snow brush will come in handy when it's time to go home.

That's the report for a Friday, Dearies.  I'm hoping and praying for a calm and peaceful run today...so far, so good!

Hope your day is swell and that you are warm and safe and dry. Come tell me all about it!


  1. Be safe driving home girlie! Hope that your weekend will be grand!

  2. I am glad you got there safely. Be safe and careful when you head for home. So, what flavor PopTart to you prefer?

    1. Brown sugar cinnamon are the ONLY Pop Tars IMO.

    2. Those remind me of the cinnamon toast my Mom made using the broiler.

  3. You are a trooper Coni! Safe drive home!

  4. Coni, you always make me smile. Safe travels home!

  5. Safe travels home Coni !!! You are a trooper !!!

  6. Brava!!And you were so worried...You're in the grand plan, dear one, have no fear...shift that mindset into reverse and return home with the same gusto...Your courage knows no bounds...Hope your treatment went well and that you settle into an ideal weekend. We are mum about JB...LOL

  7. You are amazing!! You go through dialysis and then you clean snow off your car and drive yourself home in a snow storm as if you were just any other girlie driving around. You should give yourself a little super hero pat on the back.

  8. I agree with Jane, you are a superhero!! Drive safe!

  9. Coni: You are getting all our snow, we live fifty five miles west of Minneapolis, they have way more snow then we do, we only have about a half inch Inch Our little town.
    Stay warm my dear friend.


  10. You are a TROOPER!!!!!

  11. I do hope all went well today and your drive home wasn't horrendous. We in Denver have had some freezing drizzle with some snow expected tomorrow. What the heck - Denver doesn't have freezing moisture before snow and something like the last 3 storms we have! Uh, NO.

  12. So glad all is going well for you!

  13. Geez Coni, you are some super hero! I hate driving in snow and would have been on the phone canceling...you get extra good girl stars today!
