Sep 22, 2017


OK. Last appointment for the week is finally finished.  I got a great report: weight down almost 20 pounds since my friend's arrival, blood pressure 110/64, and today the headache is only at a level 6 instead of the usual 19.

All in all I'm a happy girl.

Oh who am I kidding?  I am a deliriously happy girl.  To be at this stage of the disease and not having to go to dialysis is more priceless to me that I can tell you.  And all of the extra stuff that arrived with Rich?  Just icing on the cake it would seem.

My only beef with myself is my lack of stitching and reading progress, so I aim to remedy that this afternoon.  I just don't know about the pool today.  The heat and I just don't get along.  At all.  So I'm wondering if I can park it in the Happy Chair with the new stack of books I brought home, lots of ice water, and a little Red Velvet Cake until Rich comes home this evening.

So that's the Friday report, Dearies.  I will leave you for now with the hopes that your own corner of the world is perfectly swell and that you are doing exactly what you want to be doing today!


  1. Glad your appointment went well, Coni! It sounds like you are doing what is needed to keep from starting dialysis. Enjoy your afternoon with the iced water and the RVC piece.

  2. Good news and so glad the head's ache is reduced. Congrats on the weight loss!

  3. Well done you. I wouldn't be beating yourself up about the lack of stitching or reading - it's all about balance.

  4. Oops. Hit the button too soon. Anyway I also had big plans but between the heat and the humidity I surrendered. Where is Fall??

  5. I'm ssssooooo ready for Fall. It's just too darn hot. Glad your appointment went well. Enjoy the weekend.

  6. Try an ice pack on your head works wonders for me. Happy stitching!! xo

  7. So happy your appointment went terrific! I agree I am ready for some fall temps and weather. Enjoy those new books and some stitching.

  8. Oh, Coni! Huzzah!!!! Hope,all of the new books are winners. If you happen to need more suggestions just let me know. As my retired librarian's t-shirt says: If you really need to know just ask a,librarian' We are,always happy to assist. Books save sanity!!

  9. Glad the appointment news was all positive! This autumn heatwave is killing all of us. Lots of ice water, cool wet towel on your neck, feet up & tv on to whatever you want to watch & all is well. If the needle finds your hand, ok. If not, no worries. It will return when it's time. Prayers & good thoughts continue heading your way. Take care ❤️

  10. Woo hoo!Wonderful news on your weight loss! Hope the autumnal heat wave disappears soon!

  11. Woo hoo!Wonderful news on your weight loss! Hope the autumnal heat wave disappears soon!

  12. Hi Connie, I am one of those terrible "lurkers", reading your everyday and rarely commenting. I enjoy reading your updates most of all and like many, am cheering you on (albeit silently until today,,,). Keep on keeping on girl! Hoping for cooler temps for you so you can enjoy the pool. If it make it to, please send some north to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Heat wave after lovely mild temperatures all Summer, too hot!!! Enjoy and savour each moment with Rich, he sounds like a lovely man, just what you deserve. Anywho, going to try to comment more, instead of just lurk, ha ha, sounds so creepy, but I am sure you understand. Take care!

  13. Fantastic news!! I can hear your happiness. Keep being you!

  14. Love to read...I am currently getting involved in the Cozy Mystery series kind of books. Working on my Stoney Creek Halloween banner (leaflet 334) this week Next week I start on my Christmas rotation. Hope you get lots of stitching and reading done this weekend.

  15. I think it's very wise to stay out of the heat. I know our local weatherman always states if you have health issues it's best not to challenge them with the heat. I always listen. I have health issues. When it's hot I stay indoors in the air conditioning. :D Love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn ♥♥♥

  16. It really goes to show how well you are taking care of yourself that you are feeling as good as you are with what you are dealing with. You are one tough chicky!! Hope you share what you are reading :)

  17. That is all very good news! Happy to hear it.

  18. Congratulations on the positives at the appointment! I am impressed by your commitment to living well!
