Jan 13, 2017


Where's that darn Snow White when you need her?  I am, quite unsuccessfully I might add, wrangling a couple of annoying little beasties.  All I need now is for Dopey and Doc to join the mix and we could have ourselves a real party.

(Can I just say, though, that I do get along just fine with Happy and Bashful and that they're welcome to come back and snuggle in the Happy Chair any time they want?)

But these other guys...especially Grumpy! can just go fly a kite.  They've messed up my mojo, my house, my peace and quiet, and they've turned me into a big fat lump of pitiful tears. 

OK...end of rant.  And, because I know that I probably mis-named almost all of the darn whatever they're called, I will beg forgiveness and simply ask that they do their thing elsewhere for a bit and give this poor little portly spinster a break.


  1. Big Hugs your way Coni. Do what I do... take a lovely nap. It's always very comforting. Hugs & Prayers, Cathryn

  2. O darling, I understand completely, but lets send them packing to the Great Dismal Swamp, cause I don't want those rascals back here. OK I agree with Cathryn, a nap sounds lovely. All in favor? Blessings Baa

  3. Sending hugs. How about a cup of tea? When watch British programs they always make tea during trying moments!

  4. Sending hugs. How about a cup of tea? When watch British programs they always make tea during trying moments!

  5. I, too, think a brewed cup of tea is the answer to many things. I will probably make myself one after bit as it is so cloudy and dreary here with a winter ice storm on the way. (Yuck; I wish it would go away.) Happy thoughts and happy stitching to you..........

  6. Missed stitches and frogging will so often invite those unwelcome mood creatures into one's space... The weather
    of late is no help, either. The gals are correct...comfort
    yourself with tea (don't forget the treat) and a relaxing
    siesta. In the meantime, hugs all around to lift your
    spirits and set your mojo in motion. Your an inspiration..

  7. Dearest Coni, when are you going to rescue another little dog who desperately needs your love ? You have so much love to give - and I know that Stewey would totally approve . So many of us are praying for you to feel better and find peace again . Xoxo

    1. I didn't get another dog for 18 months after I lost my 16 year old. Even though I was sad and hardly ever smiled anymore it just wasn't right. It takes a lot of time to be ready. But fate helped one day and the most wonderfuldog ever has joined our family.

  8. Hope tomorrow is a better day. Feel better soon. Do you take sugar in your tea? If so, try my Uncle Albert's favourite breakfast cuppa - add about a teaspoon of whisky to your cup. He said 'it cleared his tubes' (He smoked 40 a day). I don't know if it tastes as good without the sugar - it might be worth a try though! xx

  9. Hugs. Sorry your having a bad day. Hope tomorrow is better.

  10. I'm sorry Coni. The holly days are over, and you're missing your boy. Be kind to yourself. It takes time.

  11. Actually, Coni, you did quite well. You might not want Sneezy around, but Sleepy is nice at the end of the day! Hope you are feeling better now. 😄

  12. My husband always says that "tea is the antidote to modern life" so a cup of tea may help. Love & hugs x

  13. Hugs! Just do what you can and don't worry about the rest :)
