Jan 12, 2017


No progress pictures to share today, my dears, because there wasn't any progress made!  I did stitch, but at the end of the evening, I realized that I had made a big counting mistake, so out it all came.


Never fear, though.  As soon as I finish my to do list for the day I will get right back at it.  I am enjoying a little mojo at the moment, so I don't want to scare it away with a case of the frogs.

I am, however, very happy to report that I managed to remove the outside Christmas decorations yesterday, so the neighbors won't have to report me to the authorities.  The inside decorations are a different story, though.  I'm really going to try to get them down this weekend, but won't be too terribly disappointed if I have to enjoy them a little longer!


  1. Sorry you had to reverse stitch, Coni! Good for you on getting your outdoor Christmas décor down. Our wreath is still hanging at the end of the driveway. The inside stuff came down yesterday.

  2. I say enjoy those decorations as long as you want! Sorry about the frogging. The worst. I feel your frustration. But glad you are stitching again. Love your two projects!

  3. You do know it's bad luck to take the decorations down before January 6, don't you (at least in Ireland)? You're doing fine. As long those lights are making you happy, the neighbors can mind their own business.

  4. Simplified Christmas décor this year and laid out a plan..
    When dismantling today, we charted it by room and area,
    fitting it in a few bins and reducing the space needed to
    store....what a difference. Will pull out the plan and
    repeat the same placement next year... The reduced format looked so lovely and went smoothly. Enjoy yours to your
    heart's content...it was beautiful, Coni. Glad the frogging has not dimmed your mojo.....Onward.....
    perfect and save

  5. My uncle celebrated Christmas on Jan. 6, so you only left them up for 6 extra days. That will give you some extra breathing room! I too, am having a bit of trouble stitching lately. I miss it but just seem to focus on it. I'm blaming going to school in my mid 50's. I'm tired and cranky! Hope you have yourself a great week end.

  6. March to your own drum and enjoy. I once left them up until February - between two jobs & night school, I didn't have a chance to really enjoy them, so I left them up longer. And right now, I still have up "winter", which keeps me in the mood to stitch my snowmen project

  7. The bottom line is it is your home and if you want to keep the sparkle of Christmas up all year, so be it! I always have an ornament or two of Christmas around all year.

  8. Just enjoy them a little longer. That's what I always like to do especially in winter when there is so little color and a lot of black, white and grey. :D Hugs & Prayers, Cathryn

  9. I still have my tree and decorations up and I turn the tree on everyday and so enjoy it. I feel there is any rule as to how long you leave it up. I once left mine up for two years since I had done so much work on it for an open house tour I participated in. My oldest grandson still reminds me of when I did that so it made an impression on him, which is a fun memory for both of us. Enjoy and happy stitching.....................

  10. Today is Jan 14 and I still have both of my trees up! We took down all the Christmas decor inside but the trees and all the lights out but put blue and white lights on a tree in front of the porch with our blue line flag for police support. Everything looks so beautiful! I may just leave these two trees up for another couple of weeks! They go with my moose and snow decor! Haha!

  11. Reverse stitching is no fun but at least it didn't take your stitchy bug away. Hope you are getting along better today!
