Jan 31, 2017


Does anybody else notice what I do on the post op instructions?

More tomorrow, I promise.  Right now I just want to hit the big girl sleigh bed and finish recovering.  Thank you for all of your prayers and happy thoughts...they worked!


  1. Glad to hear you are ok. You really shouldn't be chasing Jeffrey Dean Morgan around the kitchen table right now anyway. Leave it until tomorrow!

  2. Welcome Home Coni! Big Hug kid and a "Well Done!" Stewey would be so proud of his brave Mo-ther <3
    Now, I want you to know that I lol'd so hard that I spit coffee on the keyboard...I had to read those instructions twice...a line right through that one...so there's that! You kill me...I could say that every cloud has it's silver lining but I won't...
    Take it easy and hope your day is a restful one

  3. Be well. You are the best judge of when you are able to resume any and all activities 😉

  4. Great to hear from you...good plan to get some rest and the only critical decision I would make is to get in some stitchy time when you are rested:)

  5. Glad to hear, I was away yesterday did not check your blog. Now rest and build up your strength.

  6. Your spirit and humor in the face of adversity keeps many of us going! May our positive vibrations support you!

  7. Be sure to give us a report tomorrow

  8. Be sure to give us a report tomorrow

  9. So glad
    You rock girl
    Blessings, Baa

  10. YEAH! Rest up and tomorrow you can rethink the activity list!
    Feel better.

  11. Good to have you back home with us! if you know what I mean! xx

  12. Sigh of relief....knew you would sail through... is that
    item crossed off because it was already handled or just not interested? LOL. Best post-op is giving the sleigh bed a good workout,just floating and picking up a needle when so moved. Just got a wink from Stewey, so he agrees...

  13. Phew! Glad that's over - bet you are too! Take care of yourself and rest up, we need you in tip top condition xx

  14. Glad it's done Coni. By the way, you crack me up!

  15. Yay!! It's over! "Resume normal activities"?

  16. Only you could find humor in post op instructions. Feel better soon, whether you do none or all of the above checkboxes and lined out items . . . LOL!

  17. So happy you have that behind you. Rest well.

  18. Glad you checked in with us. I got a lot of prayer and stitching in. I am using Blackbird designs Christmas Garden as my prayer piece each time you travel to treatment. Thinking of you often. My Boxer Gabriel says woof! woof! Great job ! Now mom can get off couch and feed me.

  19. I'm so glad you let us know it went well! Just rest and relax for a while.

  20. Glad you got through it all! After some rest, I'm sure you'll be as good as new!

  21. Glad your procedure went well. Hope your recovery is quick.

  22. Thanks for thinking so highly of us to let us know you are home. Bless you. Hugs & Prayers, Cathryn

  23. Hi Coni, hope you're on the mend soon. It's been quite some time since I visited your blog. I've been away from Blogville for some months due to personal issues and changes. I know this is belated but I wanted to say how sorry I am to see dear Stewey passed away. :( We all felt like we knew him thanks to your sharing his life with us. He will always be with you in your heart. God bless his little soul.

  24. So happy that surgery went well. I was thinking about you today and hoping and praying all went well. Take good care.

  25. Happy to hear your on the mends. Hugs!!

  26. I am so glad you let us know you are on the mend. I am still saying healing prayers for you though.

  27. So glad that things went well and you are back at home resting. Take all the time you need... those needles and threads can wait an extra day or two if necessary

  28. So, did you call JDM and invite him over for some snuggle time?

  29. Glad to hear the surgery went smoothly. Rest up!

  30. So glad to hear everything went well! Hope you are feeling well today!

  31. Glad I wasn't drinking something when I read this! Hope today is a good day.

  32. I am so happy that you have that behind you and can look forward to something more fun! Hope you get some good rest. Happy dreams.
