Jan 20, 2016


You know how you'll do something under the influence of a substance and think it brilliant, only to wake up the next day to video evidence that you do not, in fact sound like Adele when you drunkenly belt out a tune, but rather, you are just a ridiculous tipsy spinster with underpants on her head and a hairbrush microphne?

Oh wait...too much information?

Well, when I finally hit the pillow at 4am I wondered if my buzz stitching was going to result in me driving the car over something, or if I really did manage to try something new and achieve success.

Turns out that I am as happy with my bow in the light of day as I was in the wee hours of the morning...dancing around with that hairbrush and those underpants on my head.

Thank God for small favors.  This one would have really been an epic fail to correct with all of that...velvet! Let's not even think about the red fuzzy crumbs that would have surely resulted in Stewey running away from home...

As soon as I get my financial house in order and have a bite to eat,  I'm going to get right back at this in the Happy Chair!  Progress contnues as we march onward!


  1. It's beautiful!! I love that big red bow!

  2. This is heaven! Twenty days of Spinster Stitcher and Stewy. I click on your blog every day with anticipation to see what is happening in Hooserville. There have been long periods of nothingness.....no stitching, no crazy antics made even funnier with your creative writing, not a word from Master Stewy. Then the dawn of a New Year and you have been here every day to inspire your loyal readers and make us laugh. HooRay...it's been an great start to 2016!

  3. Simply gorgeous! This is proof that good things happen after having coffee. :)

  4. This will be your best ever! If this is what happens when a person drinks coffee I may have to give up iced tea and switch to the stronger brew. You are my inspiration and I hope soon to get back to stitching.

  5. This will be your best ever! If this is what happens when a person drinks coffee I may have to give up iced tea and switch to the stronger brew. You are my inspiration and I hope soon to get back to stitching.

  6. Wooo Hoooo! Cheering you on even with the underpants and hairbrush! :D Cathryn
