Jan 27, 2016


Here's a brief look at what my universe consists of today (minus one very fussy little dog who simply refuses to be photographed without his glam squad present):

Eating (not in the picture): Greek yogurt with granola and dried cranberries

Drinking (also not in the picture, but there, I promise): Starbucks French Roast with Truvia and a splash of half and half

Stitching: Valentine Wreath by Laura J. Perin

Exercising: The Jumble, Sudoku, and crossword from today's paper  (Wait...you didn't actually think I meant exercising, as in do something other than sit in the Happy Chair, did you?  Remember, I'm an Olympic gold medalist in sloth, folks.  Gotta keep in shape for Rio.)

Reading: Just finished "A Strangeness In My Mind" by Orhan Pamuk

Planning : Added a list of errands that I need to run (like go to the library to get another book to read), as well as several calls I need to make into Erin. (That would be my Erin Condren Life Planner thankyuverymuch).

Cooking: A feeble attempt at minestrone is bubbling away on the stove, but I'm not optimistic.

Cleaning: Don't you think it adorable how I keep putting this on my list, but end up taking a nap "instead?  Dust bunnies....just part of the charm of Chez Spinster.

What's going on in your universe?


  1. I'm at work! But would so much rather be a home futzing about with stitching and animals! Love that you get to do that!

  2. I made dinner, and while the spaghetti squash was baking in the oven, I decided to torture myself on the treadmill. now I am going to spend the rest of the day resting on my laurels (butt) playing videogames. :D

  3. Hmmm...haircut, project kitting up, check writing, snowball tossing for Max. Stitching soon! Enjoy your futzing day, Coni!

  4. Sounds like a very productive day. I'm in my computer class right now. Can't wait til I'm done so I can go home and take nap hopefully they will be done with the smog check on my truck by then. Your wreath looks great !!

  5. It's important to exercise the brain. My day was spent wandering the aisles of Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Total spent $6.32.

  6. Love your futzingday! That's pretty much what I did today minus the list, stitching and the addition of lots of dusts bunnies! ;) Cathryn

  7. Worked all day. Just got home. In my jammies, under the covers with the beagle and the cat, reading my favorite blogs. Might put a few stitches into a Kelly Clark Christmas ornament, might not. Love hearing from you every day!

  8. "Added a list of errands that I need to run, as well as several calls I need to make into Erin." This I had to read twice! I really ought to get one of those Life Planner books, and not just because my name is Erin!

  9. "Added a list of errands that I need to run, as well as several calls I need to make into Erin." This I had to read twice! I really ought to get one of those Life Planner books, and not just because my name is Erin!

  10. I enjoy this blog and check it everyday. You are a shinning example for all of us procrastinators. Keep up the good work.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I have sat in my chair for the past week stitching while I recover from surgery. As much I love being able to do so, I am ready to get up and doing something else.

  13. Your day sounds lovely. I spent the morning with a good friend looking at pretty stitching and now I am trying to do some actual stitching instead of just talking about it :)

  14. Love the needlepoint Valentine wreath you are stitching. It will be a knock-out when you finish it. Laura J Perin is a favorite designer of mine. I have stitched several of her pieces. What are the two blue needlepoint pieces to the left on the picture. I really do like them. I would like to stitch them and have a beautiful room in my house I could hang them in. Thank you for your email and your chats. Rebecca Simpson, Hickory NC 28601, simpson712@gmail.com

  15. Love the needlepoint Valentine wreath you are stitching. It will be a knock-out when you finish it. Laura J Perin is a favorite designer of mine. I have stitched several of her pieces. What are the two blue needlepoint pieces to the left on the picture. I really do like them. I would like to stitch them and have a beautiful room in my house I could hang them in. Thank you for your email and your chats. Rebecca Simpson, Hickory NC 28601, simpson712@gmail.com

  16. Love the needlepoint Valentine wreath you are stitching. It will be a knock-out when you finish it. Laura J Perin is a favorite designer of mine. I have stitched several of her pieces. What are the two blue needlepoint pieces to the left on the picture. I really do like them. I would like to stitch them and have a beautiful room in my house I could hang them in. Thank you for your email and your chats. Rebecca Simpson, Hickory NC 28601, simpson712@gmail.com
