"Hey, lookit!" I said in the yarn aisle. "Doesn't this kinda remind you of the spool thingie that Dad made us that we used to knit on?"
(Actually, it was Aunt Chrissy who spied these....and she said (most articulately, I might add) "Oh, this is a loom. I've always wanted to learn to knit on a loom. Perhaps we should try this....they are remarkably affordable and I see that the resulting accomplishment of finishing a project would be most satisfying.")
OK. maybe she didn't say it EXACTLY that way, but the end result is the same. We've both been loom knitting our fingers off for the better part of three days now and I almost have my first scarf.
It will be quite chunky, it is true, but then again, so am I and we all know how delightful THAT can be!
For those who've asked...this is called knitting on a long loom and you can learn all about it on the YouTube, just like I did.
Stewey and I hope that you are all well and cozy and happy. If we get our chores done tomorrow I've promised him a tummy rub and some time in the studio putting together our Spinster Stitcher Christmas Basket O Stitchy Fun.
Stay tuned!!