Progress is sloooooooowwwwww. At this point, I'm happy if I can get the darn needle threaded, but the good news is that I'm not fretting too much over it and just going with the flow. (And that flow is rather like molasses in January.) I suppose that I could pretend that this new pace is all Zen Buddha-ish and that I'm just trying to be mindful of each stitch, but the truth is that I feel like I'm stitching under water.
Or under a thick layer of Jello.
Good thing I have that dvr thingie so that I can watch and then re-wind and re-watch the TeeVee over and over again. It took me about three hours to get through a show last night because I couldn't keep up with the plot.
Oh dear...she's lost the plot.
Anywhoose....still here. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your own needles are flying! Woo Hoo!
sorry to hear your feeling sluggish atm Coni, hope it passes soon!! Lovely photo :)
ReplyDeleteHave you had your thyroid and iron levels checked? I'm starting to worry about you!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely get those thyroid levels checked out.... I've had problems with mine for 30-some years, and believe me, there were times when I just couldn't stay awake. Even took a pillow with me to my daughter's college orientation, so that I could go nap in the car whenever I felt like I just couldn't keep up......
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm a new follower and love your blog!
I'll add my two cents - you might be low on Vitamin D as well. Perhaps a nice stitch in the sunshine with your cutie boy at your side?
ReplyDeleteYour project here is beautiful, really detailed and lovely!
LOVE the yummy spring colors on the bunny piece. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteDear Coni: My husband and I had a strange bug not quite the flu. I makes you real tired. Took about two months to really get over it. You just have to go with the flow. When you are sleepy, nap. Take care
ReplyDeleteMaybe a little "perk up" is in order. If you have the STARZ channel, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is starring in Magic City. I was able to view the first three episodes with "on demand". It is set in the late 50s in Miami. Fun!!!
Have you gotten checked out by your doc? I am a nurse practitioner, and several of the suggestions above are good if this doesn't lift soon!!
ReplyDeleteDebbie in Kansas
But your progress is quite pretty! Take care of yourself Coni!
ReplyDeleteThis is really worrisome. I think a trip to the doc is in order Coni. You should, in addition to the good suggestions above, get your heart checked. Being overweight myself, I keep an eye on my heart. It can`t hurt to get your hormone levels checked either. Hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteWell at least you managed to keep your head through all this, or rather the bunnies head. She looks good and TV isn't what it used to be so no worries about lost plots. Hang in there, CJ in OK ;-)
ReplyDeleteComing along very nice.