Feb 18, 2011


From the very first day I've had this here blog, I have fretted over the best way to communicate with y'all on a one-on-one basis when you ask me a question. So if you've asked me a question via a comment and I haven't responded to you, please don't be offended...I am just not bright enough to figure out how to reply to you.

So today I came up with the brilliant idea of establishing an email account for all things stitchy related! Woo Hoo for me! (It only took an hour and a half, but hey, the fact that I figured it out is progress for me.)

If you'd like, please add me to your Palm Pilot or address book or whatever it is that you kids are using these days. I promise to try to remember to check the damn thing every now and then, and we can tawk...


It seems that I forgot to mention that Master Stewey will be receiving mail at the above address also, so if you have correspondence for him, please feel free to write to him there. (Damn dog).


  1. One question----does Stewey have access to the email? Or, does he have his own? :)

  2. you are now in my address book....where do we send Stewey's questions????!!!

  3. Coni,

    You are brave! I finally added my email to my profile too, so we can tawk! LOL

    I don't recall the last comment I made that you might not have responded to, but will check later.

    Hugs and Love to you and Stewie! Say hi to Aunt C and Bosco too! :)


  4. That's very thoughtful of you. And your little dog, too! Thanks!!!

  5. This morning while drinking my coffee in bed trying to wake up, Leo was laying next to me and he did the 'stick his head in the covers' thing like your second pic of stewey and I thought of him. Awe...he's doin the stewey thing. lol. Have a great weekend! And don't worry, I wouldn't be offended. I fretted for a while over how to answer questions or talk back to people who commented. :o) xoxo

  6. Yeah! A way to tawk to the Spinster! And Stewey too!

  7. S*T*E*W*E*Y ! ! ! !
    S*T*E*W*E*Y ! ! ! !
    S*T*E*W*E*Y ! ! ! !
    S*T*E*W*E*Y ! ! ! !

    Now I can right you a fan letter,

    Miss Indy Anna
    Queen of Tookeville

  8. Love it! I'm sure I don't love him as much as you do, mo-ther, but I sure love Master Stewey. Thanks for the email addy! :D Cathryn
