Sep 28, 2010


So there I was...minding my own business reading blogs (Ms. Jeanne's in particular, don't you know)....when I came up with my new favorite hobby.


I figure if I'm not going to put any stitches in my OWN crap, I might as well stalk y'all and look over your shoulders as you stitch yours!

Stalk-stitching! This is when you maniacally follow a fellow stitcher and every waking moment of her life to see what she's working on and then you run right out and pretend like you're going to do the exact same project, so you buy all of the linen and silks and scissors and whatnot to do it, and then you get it home and organize it perfectly into your organizing system and then it sits there helplessly while you glue your eyes to the computer screen to watch everybody else stitch the same darn thing that was the only thing you wanted to work on just moments ago.

Do you suppose we could make t-shirts or something?


  1. LOL!!! I stalk stitch a lot, especially when I'm in a rut. Glad I'm not the only one.

  2. OH Yeah! I'm a stalk-stitcher too!! LOL

  3. add me to that list.

    I realized this last night as I was looking at the LHN ornaments I'd kitted up, but realized that I really didn't like most of them...even after I had stitched some of them!!

  4. Busted-----that is me to a TEE!

  5. Oh, it's so good to see that I'm not the only one that does this! I was getting a little worried. There's comfort in numbers!

  6. Tee-Shirts and maybe a support group??? I'm soooooo guilty of this! I have a box of stash that I've picked out on my own and an even BIGGER box of stash that I've bought because I saw eye candy on someone else's blog. Darn that e-bay and those on-line needlework stores! They make the access just toooooo easy for people like us, it's a sickness I tell ya!

  7. I can see it now, "Stitch-Stalker Hoarding" featured on Oprah. Cut to Oprah. She says, "We have another 'Stitch-Stalker' in the house!", (with emphrasis on the word 'house'). The camera shifts to me sheepishly sitting on the panel, then flashes a picture of me at my computer with piles of stash all around me. The studio audience gasps and the camera switches back to show their horified faces.

    Yeah, it could happen. LOL!

  8. Oh yes! Love to stalk!!! When I'm not stitching, looking at what everybody else is stitching is my drug of choice!!!

  9. Thank you for giving my disease a name!!!! I'm SO a a Stalk Stitcher. Don't you know I've been doing that with Quaker Diamonds????

  10. LMAO!!! Omg! I do this ALL THE TIME! And then I think of all the stitching I ought to be doing so as to make some headway into stash, but alas!!! Still wind up reading and looking and looking and reading blogs and store listings of stuffs new and old and sales....Ye is a disease!!!

    But a good one!

    Hugs and Love,

  11. Guilty as charged! I have been stalking Quaker Diamonds being stitched by this lady known as the Spinster Stitcher. *wink*

    Kisses to Stewey...

  12. HHMMMNNNNN!!!!! I must be stalking you then. I have gone out and purchased 3 of the canvas projects you finished last year. Even transfered the one to christmas colors like you did. I love Laura J. Perin too!!!!!!
    Now I have to have Quaker Diamonds and the Valdini threads too....I am loving that if only I had some more time (i know, every stitcher wishes for more time)

    Joanie R

  13. Hello, my name is Alice and I am a stalk-stitcher. I don't think I need to be cured though.

  14. Well, add another stalk-stitcher to the list and the worst is when you can't remember what blog you saw a certain WIP or finish on and you go from blog to blog in a desperate attempt to find it again. : /

  15. Add me to the list as well. Who has the blog logo so I can add it?

    Im with Patti, it can be frustrating to find a project your eyes bugged out on and not able to remember who was working on it

  16. I thought "stalk stitching" was one of the requirements?!?!?! (And many of us, (myself included), are over qualified...hehehehe)

  17. Coni, you are a hoot! yes, we need tee shirts, coffee mugs, magnets, scissor cases, the WORKS!!

  18. Oh for the Love of GOD! Just because I purchased Valdani Threads off of eBay today AND called Picture This Plus to get A HUNK of Mello does not make me a Stalk-Stitcher. After all I DID have the Quaker Diamonds chart in my stash. I am so in denial. HELP ME!!!!!

  19. How many colors do the tee shirts come in? I may have to order one of each. If I only spent as much time stitching as stalking I'd have piles and piles of finished pieces instead of piles and piles of stash. Can we spell PROCASTINATION??? I thought I needed a 12 step program.

  20. You crack me up!! I was just thinking right now that if I stopped reading blogs I might actually get more stitching done!

  21. That's me too! Definitely a stitch stalker!! Too funny! :)

  22. I confess I'm a stalk stitcher too. Hence my stash that took my husband 3 days to move from one house to the other......then there is knitting and crocheting, thank god I don't quilt.......yet

  23. I spend sooooo much stalk-stitching. I do need a t-shirt!!! I pretend it will make me want to work on my own stuff. LOL

  24. AH...Another grand idea from our fearless leader (yes, YOU are a leader and enabler!)

    Still waiting to get my Quaker Diamonds (and Valdindi threads) in a couple of weeks when I get back to IN.

  25. Hi. My name is Denise and I am a stalk stitcher. There I said it. I feel so much better.

  26. What a relief to learn I'm not alone in this! LOL!! I'll take a pink t-shirt. ;)

  27. Thanks Coni. Can now put a name to the reason I haven't stitched in weeks. LOL

  28. Hi, I'm Donna and I'm a stitch stalker as well. I don't want to be cured just understood....oooo, I can see us all on that show Hoarders on A&E. And I bet Stewie will turn us all in as soon as he gets control of the computer again

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This is hilarious! I'm currently stitching Rainforest Crunch thanks to stitch-stalking your blog.

    I take a size large in T-shirts (and just about everything else, but maybe that's too much information).

  31. So, after reading these delightful comments, I've decided that we should have those tee-shirts made in colors that correlate to DMC colors. I'm also thinking that there should be a small IZOD-style logo of Stewie on the front. He IS our "mascot", right???? :)

  32. I know what you mean - I've been blogging for about 6 months and I kind of thought if I had my linen, pattern, fibers, scissors, etc laying next to the computer while I was reading about y'alls stitching, maybe some x's would just show up on my linen! LOL -

    Speaking of which, your stitching on Q.D. is part of my stalking routine right now! Beautiful

  33. Yes, I definitely need to join that club!

  34. Great post, Coni!!

    If you make T-Shirts, please let me know - I definitely qualify for one, lolololol!!! It's how most of my stitching is... errr.... accomplished. ;)

  35. I'm very happy to have you stalk-stitching me Coni, as I do you! The more I stalk the more pictures I collect and projects I plan and things I add to my "buy list" where I keep a list of all the stash I still want to purchase. There's no stopping it. I am truly amazed at the creativity and originality I see out in stitching cyberspace...I am not original at all so I shamelessly get ideas from others. I have Quaker Diamonds too but I am stitching Quakers & Quilts now and I see QD is done in the same threads. Now here is a dilemma as I don't want the 2 pieces looking just alike. So I will have to do some other mix of colors for QD someday. Problems, problems!
