Aunt Chrissy went with to help keep Mommie and Stewey entertained, and when we were in the exam room, she did a fabulous job of cuddling and inhaling enough dog hair to last her a lifetime. (I had to read my list of carefully written questions, don't you know, and God forbid I not write down every single stinkin' detail of the visit in "the book" for posterity).
Stewey is normally very very good during his v-e-t visits, but for some reason he seemed a little skittish yesterday. At one point (this is the part where my heart melted), my little furry son looked up at me with tears in his little eyes and said "Mommmmmieeeeee" and then tucked his little head into my shoulder.
OK, now I KNOW that he didn't actually say "Mommmmmmmieeeee", but if you would have been there and seen the look on his little sweet face you would have heard it too. I swear.
So last night as we were getting ready for sleep, I told him all about the day he came home and how much my life changed forever. I also told him every single story that I could remember from the first year of his life with me and I drifted off to sleep with my little dog all cuddled up next to me.
Today we're back to normal. The landscaper just mowed the grass and Stewey peed on the ottoman. Damn dog.
I finished half of the border of "Garden Girl" and am determined to finish the rest of it tonight! I can't believe how cutie cute cute this thing is and I have no idea why the heck I ever put it down in the first darn place. In looking at my pile of WIP's, I notice that there are more LHN than anything else, and I can't figure out why this is. I seem to love them when they're finished, but for some reason can't buckle down and do them in the early stages. Hmmmm. A question for the ages.
'Scuse the magnet in the middle of the pic. SOMEBODY was too damn lazy to re-take the photo after she realized it was there. (Man, I hate myself sometimes.)
I finished half of the border of "Garden Girl" and am determined to finish the rest of it tonight! I can't believe how cutie cute cute this thing is and I have no idea why the heck I ever put it down in the first darn place. In looking at my pile of WIP's, I notice that there are more LHN than anything else, and I can't figure out why this is. I seem to love them when they're finished, but for some reason can't buckle down and do them in the early stages. Hmmmm. A question for the ages.
I can't wait to see your finish! I too get heart flutters when I see what other people are stiching / finishing and we share the same nano-second attention span. I live vicariously through other stitcher's stitching.
ReplyDeletePlease give the Stew-ster a hug. All pups need their annual exams. I know what you mean about hearing "the voice" in your head. I hear it with my half blind cat, Alfred. Alfred is usually complaining about someone else getting more attention than him. I SWEAR I hear the complaints as plain as day.
Glad Mr.Stewey made thru his exam with flying colors!
ReplyDeleteI thought the magnet was a button- it kind of aligns with the flowers above, as if they're in a pot.
And am I remembering correctly that the love of your life, Mr.Robert Irvine his very self, returns to the airwaves TONIGHT? At 10:00 pm EST. (Or am i making that up?)
I had no doubt that Master Stewey loved you. I could always tell by his posts. Glad to hear he went through his yearly examination with flying colors! Love your Garden Girl. These pieces are not only addictive, but are such fun and quick stitches. Can't wait to see more of your needlepoint though.
ReplyDeleteYou are Stewey's whole world! He would be lost without you!
ReplyDeleteI understand what you heard when you took your"boy" to the doc. My little cat, Olivia, did the exact same thing when I took her for her annual vet check. She cuddled in my arms and tucked her head in the crook of my elbow. And I heard her too! My sweet, Puffer, would bury his head in my armpit. He "told" me that if he couldn't see the vet, the vet couldn't see him. And he felt "safe" that way.
ReplyDeleteLove your LHN. I have a ton of her patterns in my stash too. Like you, I get part way and stop. I attribute it to Stitcher ADD.
There's a note for Stewey on my blog.....
Woo hoo, you will be happy dancing tonight for sure. And what a lovely piece to dance about. That one is really really cute! And I don't think ANYONE saw that little smidge of a magnet on your pic. And you have to take a new one when its finished, right?
ReplyDeleteI now understand the lure of small dogs. Our new puppy's daddy is a Jack Russell Rat terrier, and Banshee is a sweetie. You miss a lot when your dog can't jump up in your lap to give you licks--and if Boo ever tried it, I'd probably be dead--she weighs nearly 100 pounds. Just give Stewey a treat and ignore the peeing problem for a day.
Can't wait to Happy Dance with you.
So how did Stewey come into your life? Was it planned dog parenthood or did you accidentally happen upon him and instantly connect?
ReplyDeleteHugs for Stewie and Yay for your LHN.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought...does she have eyes?
I too would love to hear the Stewey story! There is no doubt in my mind that our pets love us. No feeling like it, they would love us no matter what! I didn't even notice the magnet in your picture, it is such a cute project.
ReplyDeleteLove the bumper sticker!
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought it said Migraine Pet Medical Center...and I'm thinking, migraines for dogs??? OK!! Then I realized I read it wrong. LMAO
ReplyDeleteGlad Stewey rec'd a clean bill of health! Suz