The only thing that is throwing me at the moment is the color selection. I'm all for the red and green thing during this time of the year, but would it BE so wrong for me to make the mantelpiece brown, the candle flames bright yellow, and the stockings something other than green? I can't decide if that will look nice, or if I should stick with the palette as selected by PS. Decisions, decisions.
Stewey and I finished watching "The Sopranos" late Saturday night and we were both very sad about this. When the credits rolled on the final episode, Stewey turned to me and said "What the f***?" in his best Tony accent and trotted off to his little bed. This morning I caught him out at the bird feeder trying to extort protection money from the cardinals. Methinks he's still too little to be watching such an adult program. (Good thing I never had kids.....they would probably all be behind bars by now.)
I say change the colors if you want to...I always say that the ones in the chart are just "helpful suggestions"!
ReplyDeleteOh my Coni...did you wash his mouth out?! :o)
ReplyDeleteYour "start" looks GRAND! Good going you!
I like the original colors but if you don't, then make them different. If you want a brown mantel, then stitch it that way. Do a blue sock and then a purple one. Run wild!
ReplyDeleteJane, being a bad influence in CH
Go ahead change the colors to suit you. Shame on you, corrupting Stewey's mind like that :)
ReplyDeleteConi, change the colors if you want. Here's an idea. Photo copy or scan your stitching as it is, and then using colored pencils or crayons, color in the parts you want to change, the colors you think you'd like. You'll get to see right up front what it is going to look like. And I think using more colors in the piece will look grand. Go for it! There is no end to the possibilities.
ReplyDeleteStewey, shame on you!! But I can side with you, as your dear mother got me hooked on the show also. I bet you didn't have as much fun watching it as your mom, Mike and I did though!! CJ, remember the pizzas?? Boombatz
ReplyDeleteGo with whatever colours you like - after all it's you that's going to stitch it and you that has to live with it. And remember how great your colour changes for Jewel Box looked?
ReplyDeleteI have a dear friend whose mantra is: The pattern is only a suggestion. I say use colors that make you happy.
ReplyDeleteDifferent color choices might be nice on this piece! I agree with the group consensus. You will have to post a picture of the finished result!
ReplyDeleteShame on Stewie...extorting cardinals!
Ah, shucks. All your Prarie Schooler projects have gotten me to dig out my own PS heirloom project (all 12 days of xmas santas on one canvas). And, ahem, I DID change those muted reds, greens and assorted colors to ones I liked (not to mention adding my own favorite stitches in certain parts). My golden rule of stitching: do what makes YOU happy. All the rest will take care of itself.
ReplyDeleteAdding my "do your own thing" with the colors vote! Exposing Stewey to the Sopranos? LOL
ReplyDeleteI just blogged about buying a pattern that I intend to redesign, so of course I say, change the colors to what you want. I'm hooked on shiny, so I might even be tempted to make the candle flames metallic. And as far as the mantle -- go brown, but go brown variegated. I'm getting more and more convinced that I will never again stitch a pattern "as called for".
ReplyDeleteGo crazy with the colors! As for Stewey and the Have you considered "The Wire" for your next viewing marathon? The box set of the entire series just came out, and I'm sure your boy would pick up some additional, um....vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteI say change the colors too. I love to play with designs like this. I'm not talented enough to design my own patterns, but in my egotistical mind I do pretty good with "improving" on patterns. I say "go for it". :)