Oct 17, 2008


Sorry, kids. I'd love to show you stitchy pics or regale you with the latest Stewey news, but I got my flu shot yesterday. And, if you're me, that means that today has been spent feeling like I've been hit by a train. Repeatedly.

Don't cry for me Argentina. I've started the new DebBee's Diamond Delights III and think it's just wonderful. AND! I've filed all of my BSFF's Laura J. Perin charts into a wonderful binder that I am now going to take to bed with me (like Linus' blanket).

But first Aunt Chrissy is going to plant me in the Happy Chair with a cup of tea, You've Got Mail on the TeeVee, and a warm soft pup for company.

Stay tuned!


  1. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Ooooh...hoping my kiddos don't have the same reaction when they get their flu shots! Feel better soon!

    "You've Got Mail" is one of my favoritist movies. It's one that I will watch over and over and over again, plus I know a lot of one liners from it, some of which are quite applicable in social circles. :-)

  3. "you got immunized"
    feel better

  4. I would love it if you would contact me regarding your stitching album. There are many pieces I fell in love with and do not know who the designer is. What a beautiful album! Wow! Please email me at blake@cfu.net

  5. I got my flu shot yesterday, thankfully it never bothers me.
    Love the movie choice !

  6. LOL sorry you're sick - but love your post on the subject. I would NEVER have a flu shot - I never get flu anyway. I had one once at my mother's insistence, and of course was sick for a week afterward. I need to immortalize your title on this one in needlepoint - with a lovely border around it. HMmmmmmm.
