Sep 23, 2024


Happy Monday, Dearies!

Thank you for all of your lovely notes and cards and comments asking how I'm feeling! They are so appreciated, and I confess that more than a few grateful tears have fallen all over the front of my old lady t-shirt.

Virtigo and I are still Besties, I'm afraid. I have been diligently taking the prescribed meds, drinking lots of water, and watching my blood pressure, etc...but alas...the room is still spinning. My entire medical team is on top of it, and they assure me that it will eventually pass, so my job is to exercise some patience and follow orders.

Betty is irked at my recent foray into diamond painting, but Betty is going to have to just go to bed. Enjoying diamond painting doesn't make me a lesser person, Betty. I'm sorry you don't like it, but I do, and it has provided a lovely change of pace when stitching has been too difficult for me to navigate while trying to hold onto the sofa.

So there.

Here's the latest:

Lots of questions about my affair with this:

I am not normally a flavored coffee kind of gal, but this had me at Butterscotch. I had quite a few rewards points to use (ahem), so I thought I might enjoy this for a Sunday treat.


I did brew it along with a French Roast pod to cut the strength of it a bit, but as a change of pace, it definitely hit the spot. I added cream, but opted not to add any Truvia, and the overall sweetness of it was just perfect.

I busted out the crock pot with hopes that it would mean cooler temps, but we're not quite there yet. Despite rain and cloud cover, the temps stayed high enough that the a/c stayed on.

What's in that magical little ball of goodness?

Mexican shredded beef, which was then made into nachos:

And on the stitching front:


The alphabet is coming along very nicely, thank you. I know that once it's complete, the tree and bottom checkerboard will go pretty quickly, so fingers crossed that we'll have a FeeNee soon!

So that's that, my dear sweet friends. I hope you're all well and safe and happily entering Fall! Come tell me all about what's new and exciting in your neck of the woods!


  1. Your diamond painting pictures are beautiful!

  2. Also, praying for your vertigo to pass quickly! It's no fun.
