Aug 18, 2024


Geeze, Louise.

I apologize, Dearies.

I posted what I thought was a cute picture of a cow drinking coffee, but apparently I didn't really LOOK at the picture of the cow drinking coffee.

If anybody was offended, I really do offer you my sincerest "I'm so sorry".


  1. The coffee drinking/news reading diva made my day... I laughed and returned a couple of times just to laugh again!
    Don't let the naysayers bother you, Coni! Their opinions are just that - opinions!

    I completely and wholeheartedly agree with you and miss my paper news print, icky ink and all! The games, really played with pen in hand; articles I can rip out and keep - like when part of Main street burned down - complete with precious pics of before the disaster. Obituaries of dearly loved people tangibly + visibly mark the impacts of their lives. They're kept along with hometown wedding + birth announcements, along with crowning achievements and woeful misdeeds all there in black + white.

    The world seems less real when all the important events appear online for hours or a day... then disappear. Unchecked, amorphous statements float past, leaving a trail of uncertainty and real lack of certain truth. When news stories came printed with bylines and editors, solid in ways that invited consequences for libel or untruth I could discern bias (theirs + mine). Editorials were opinions and news was certifiable.
    Newspapers with actual pictures capturing moments in time have been replaced by AI constructs and heavily edited comments unrecognizable to the original speakers.

    (Sigh!) Some days ya just need a hug!
    And Laughter - like the bathrobe wearing cow drinking damn-good! - ya need that. I wonder -marvel really - where you find these pieces of fun!

  2. I must be rather dense, but what was offensive? However, I think that looks more like a hippo than a cow.

  3. Obviously I missed something funny!

  4. Some people like to complain and find fault with everything 🤷‍♀️

  5. Guess I need to look again since I completely missed whatever riled people up. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. Hi Coni, post the pic again. I must have missed it. Totally agree about the newspaper issues. Wall Street journal does a printed issue. Delivery by mail. I know it's not the same. I also get a weekly print county paper. All the grit that never makes it to the not so local paper with late news HA!. I renewed several years ago just before it got sold out of state. Hardly anything to it.

    M in NC

  7. I'm totally with Maggie (hi there - nice to meet you!) about the lack of anything offensive (or perhaps the lack of Maggie's and my sensitivity, but I don't believe that for one moment) and especially about the actual ethnic origin of the large mammal in the pic. She's a hippo, or I'm a vampire bat!

  8. Hysterical! We've all been there 😉
