Aug 10, 2024


Blossom Time
Needle Delights Originals
(This was a class taught at an EGA Great Lakes Region Seminar) 
18ct mono canvas
Threads, beads, and stitches all per the chart

Oh, Dearies! I had so much fun playing with this piece! I was supposed to take this as a class in the Spring at "Zen In The Glen", but I missed it and had to go to Indy instead. 🙁 I started this and stitched it exclusively at Donaldson, and ended up enjoying it all day today.

They're hard to see in my craptastic photos, but I actually made all of the beaded flowers! Thanks to excellent directions and about nine hours of dedicated stitchy time, I was able to put them together with relative ease, and I just love how they look on this!

There are three other companion pieces representing the other three seasons, so stay tuned for more fun as soon as I can get my paws on the kits for them!

But now it's time for me to find a pillow. I wish you good sleeps and happy dreams! See you tomorrow!


  1. You zipped right along on this! What a difference not having to take time to cook, neaten up, and other home distractions, can make. Awesome you were able to keep the retreat momentum going, it's very pretty. I'm not sure I need to know there are 3 more pieces for the other seasons. I really don't need to add canvas work to the other needlework I'm not getting done.

  2. Very very nice. Looks like lots of fun.

  3. Martha near SeattleAugust 11, 2024 at 3:37 PM

    Very nice. "Nine hours of dedicated stitchy time" What heavenly words!

  4. Stunning! My phone lets me enlarge your pictures so I got a nice look-see at the beaded flowers, such a beautiful job. I look forward to seeing the other seasons. CO_Stitcher/Instagram

  5. Coni, what a beautiful finish! Well done!

  6. Outstanding finish. It's so good to go somewhere out of the normal for a while and find one's inner peace and joy. Glad you were able to go on retreat and invest in this piece.

  7. It's so pretty pretty. Great finish.

  8. Beautiful finish ... Know the other seasons will be as gratifying.
