Jul 18, 2024


I made an attempt to go to my ANG Hoosier Heartland meeting on Saturday, but alas, had to excuse myself abruptly when my body decided it needed to be elsewhere. 

As you might remember, our project for June and July is Janet Zickler Casey's Sugarplum Santa:

I was so excited to attend the meeting, because I had completed my "homework" and was going to learn all about the beard, but...drat.

So I came home and futzed about for several hours and:

Something just didn't seem quite right, and the more I looked at that space between the beard sections, I realized that they just had to be wrong. So out came the mobile, and a few texts to Miss Charlene later, I was back in business.

(My error resulted in running out of thread, naturally, but thanks to what I am sure is a Stash To End All Stashes, Miss Charlene located a few extra cards for me, so I should be able to complete the beard this weekend.

My EGA South Bend/Michiana guild met Tuesday night, and we are completing ornaments that we will learn how to finish/finish at our annual picnic later this month. We were instructed to stitch anything we want within a four-inch circle, so I futzed a bit and came up with:

The linen is from my Colour & Cotton stash, and is called Red Velvet...thread is also Colour & Cotton in Tusk. 

My plan is to use the top two back to back at the picnic and then give the finished ornament to our "Tree Committee". Each year, our Guild decorates a Christmas tree at the Copshaholm Museum (one of the Studebaker family mansions in South Bend), and I am going to add my ornament to those that have come before!

I think I might do one more snowflake (or possibly two), and then finish those for myself so that JB and I can enjoy them with the Festive Display of Craptastic Spinster Christmastide 2024.

I wish I could tell you that I am back to "normal", but unfortunately, I am still really battling whatever this awful demon is. In addition to the tummy issues, the joint pain has ratcheted up to DefCon One, so I am just not a happy camper.

Never fear...we're still working on a plan and if it hasn't started to work by the end of the week I will submit myself to an MRI under what I pray will be heavy sedation. Just the thought of that test makes me want to run far far away, since I am ridiculously claustrophobic.

Happy Friday to one and all! Come tell me all about the shenanigans in your neck of the woods!



  1. Coni you and the people in this group have gotten me through some very bad days in the last couple of years (chronic medical problems, good days, bad days, horrible days). Know that we are all lifting you up in spirit, my friend.

  2. From Debbie in Wisconsin

  3. I really really hope you feel better soon and the cause is found and banished, never to return again! Stitchyhugs to you! Susan in NC

  4. Coni, I am sorry you had to skip out of your guild meeting. I definitely can relate on that score. Your Santa is looking good; love your snowflakes. That fabric looks awesome for snowflakes. Continued prayers for a solution for your health issue(s), dear friend.
