May 14, 2024


I missed my evening Guild meeting last night. 🙁 One minute I was pulling on my outside go-to-meeting clothes, and the next my lunch/dinner was making an ignominious exit.


(This is not a new phenomenon for me lately, but I had thought the worst of it was behind me.)

(No pun intended.) 

But, once upright again, I was able to gather my wits about me and finish another section of Spring Medley. Only the right-hand section of birdhouses and the border to go!

Today is all about is every day. Collins looks particularly fetching in her little ND jumpsuit, and I confess that the "necklaces" on it made me giggle. 🤭 I also pause today to be glad I lead such a small, quiet, happy life now without the trauma of dialysis.

Thank you, Angel!

I happened to see some kerfluffle a few posts back about my Jersey Boy and whether or not he was still in the picture. I'm sorry to cause such intrigue by not mentioning him every six and a half minutes, but yes, he is still in the picture. He visited with his friend Fish for a few days in sunny Florida and then went up to New Jersey to visit with his mom for Mother's Day. He returns late tonight to resume our regularly scheduled programming.

No drama, Dearies. Just a dutiful son who likes to visit with his lovely mom every few weeks! ☺️

So that's the report from Hoosierville today. I hope your very own corner of the world is full of your own things to be grateful for. What are they? Come tell me all about them!


  1. Hi Coni, good to hear that most things are going well.

    When doing canvas work, do you hold your frame in hand, balance it or do you have a stand of some sort? Your spring piece is really lovely.

    M in NC

    1. Hello, M! I hold my stretcher bars in hand and typically prop them on my prodigious frontal area/big fat belly. 🙄


  2. This piece is truly a Spring Medley...colors are so lovely.

  3. Lovely work Coni! Great post!😍👍💗

  4. Spring Medley is gorgeous! I don’t need another project. I don’t need another project. I don’t ………. Susan in NC

  5. Miss Collins is so precious. Spring Medley is looking fabulous, Coni. I am sorry that you ended up missing your evening guild meeting.
