May 29, 2024



It's cool and cloudy here in Hoosierville, which means the windows and doors are open to the beautifully crisp fresh air and I am loving life in leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt.

I'm not built for hot and humid, so 65 and sunny is just exactly perfect, in my very humble and portly opinion.

I'm happily stitching away on With Thy Hands by Theresa Kogut while listening to the Phillies do their thing in SanFran against the Giants. I have to say, one of the many benefits of being with my Jersey Boy is that I now feel intense team loyalty to all of the Philadelphia sporting teams. I enjoyed sports prior to his arrival...especially my Irish on the collegiate level...but now I have interest in the pro teams also. I may not be completely aware of the actual rules or nuances of the various sporting things, but I can holler with the best of them.

Other than sleeping, eating, stitching, blogging, and occasionally scrubbing things, life is very quiet and drama-free in these here parts, which is exactly how I like it. After years and years of running around with my hair on fire, I finally feel like I can pry my shoulders from my ears, take a breath, and concentrate on better things than what's going to fall from the skies next.

What's new and exciting with you, Dearies? Are you well and happy and safe and satisfied with things in your corner of the world? What's on your q-snaps or stretcher bars or in your hoops these days? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Quiet and drama free is perfect. I still work part-time so am not totally drama free. But it's good. Stitching the Castle by Cottage Garden Samplings most of the time right now. Debby in CO

  2. Coni, if you and the Jersey Boy are into watching sports, maybe try something different? The T20 Cricket World Cup is about to start - this weekend, I think - and the opening match (Sunday?) is between the USA and Canada, and takes place in New York City, though most games are, I think, in the Caribbean. Sort of like baseball, but not really - see what you think, and let the stitching world know!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I could use some quiet time. In the life of a church music director it is still high liturgies. Pentecost, Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi. Almost back into slower ordinary time. I've been blasted with accompanying end of the year school concerts and a plethora of funerals lately. I may be retired from the classroom, but I am almost busier than my working years - in a very random schedule way. And I dislike the heat of summer - not tolerating as well as I did in my younger years. We are due for more rain this weekend which is nice. Then I'm not dragging hoses. But next week will be humid and warmer. Not looking forward to those temps. I have yard work that needs to be done - weeds to pull. By the time I get home from work, it's too hot to "get 'er done." I might have to hire it out because its stressing me out. I just finished a needlepoint Hot Cocoa bar canvas and am well on my way with a Susan Roberts nutcracker - the one with the trumpet - because my son plays :^) I have a Kathy Rees canvas I need to start too - but procrastinating on the gridding the canvas. Breathe, just breathe!!

  5. I'm starting a SAl In Praise of Pollinator by The Blue Flower
    run by LalaDee Stitcher on flosstube I'm only a month behind : (
