Feb 10, 2024



I am home safe and sound after visiting with my guild ladies at Hoosier Heartland this morning, and I forgot how much I enjoy playing with canvas! Doesn't it seem like I used to do a LOT more stuff on canvas in years past?

Rich and I had thought we might venture out and about today, but the air is quite chilly and he is not feeling up to the challenge of the stairs yet. He's really doing very well, and is able to maneuver around the apartment with his walker pretty well, but those stairs are going to take a minute. 

Happy Saturday to one and all! What's blowing your skirt up today? Come tell me all about it!


  1. It’s “warm” and sunny here in Toronto today (8 Celsius, 46 F) and I’ve been for a walk. But now hiding inside with a migraine. If it improves, I’ve got some stitching; if not, a good ebook that I can read in the dark. But first, lunch.

    Susan Anonymouse

  2. That is stunning canvas work Coni...I love anything that has tulips!🥀⚘🌷

  3. Your canvas piece is looking awesome and happy to hear that you were able to get to guild. It is raining here so no venturing outside except to take the dog out. Happy Sunday, Coni!

  4. Yesterday was working on putting some things away so I can use the quilting machine. That lead to a bit more decluttering and organizing. Today I'll be on GD duty. Hopefully tomorrow I can get started with the quilting process.

    I have an achy hip, and going down steps, it goes first. Going up steps, the good leg goes first. That way the achy one doesn't have to try and bend *and* support my weight. Of course, I have death grip on the railing at all times. I'm sure JB's PT has already given him instructions on how to tackle stairs safely.

    IIRC, you did do a lot more canvas work in the past. I'm glad you got to the guild meeting. It's so nice to get out with people who share an interest. Sometimes I think volunteering at QOV every 2-3 weeks is all that's keeping me from turning into a full-fledged hermit.

  5. Rich probably has already been told this but it is good to hear it again....RE: stairs "go to heaven with the good leg, go to hell with the bad leg". That make stairs much easier to use!!

  6. That piece really makes me want to put down my knitting & pick up needlework!

  7. Lovely! I'd recognize a Nancy's Needle piece almost anywhere! I love my needlepoint and have migrated however temporarily from my pandemic quilting frenzy back into canvas work. I really need to keep myself diversified!! Enjoy your stitching. Always glad to hear Rich is steadily improving.
