Feb 6, 2024


Hello, Dearies!

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Hoosierville, and I'm having an afternoon cold brew pick-me-up and getting ready to jump into a new stitchy start of Big-Hearted Tiny Town.

Our patient is doing very well. He is now able to stand and move about (with the help of a walker contraption) un-assisted. He said that the pain is tolerable, and other than fatigue and a fair bit of cabin fever, he seems to be doing pretty well.

I am holding my own, but ready to get back to a better/healthier schedule. Although I'm just fine with never leaving the apartment (see notes re: agoraphobic hermit spinsterhood), I am looking forward to perhaps getting out to Guild on Saturday morning. I miss my Ladies so much, and would like to don something other than pajama pants and slippers for a change!

Thank you for all of your notes and cards and comments and hugs and prayers and pats of support and encouragement! They truly sustained me, and I can honestly say that without them I don't think I would have survived! Who knew that a kidney transplant would seem like a cake walk compared to all of this?!

So that's the report. I have half a heiney back in the saddle, and I'm hoping the other half isn't far behind.

No pun intended. 🤭

What's new in your corner of the world? Are you well and happy and making beautiful things? Come tell me all about it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the pun😅 Lovely bunch of colors in the first photo. It makes me want to sort the floss tonight. Good to hear you and JB are making progress. The Guild sounds like a good idea. Let's us know how it goes. Dutch Beauty is still waiting. The next library book has snagged my attention.
    M in NC

  3. I live for pajama pants!

  4. Yay for you both! 👏👏👏👍👍👍 As my dear MIL used to say, "Getting older ain't for sissies!" 😂Yep..

  5. heiny...behind...snorft!
    Sadly, my sewing & stitching have been off since last Monday - sick then recovery took 2 days, on the road 4 days, GD duty 2 days. And the house desperately needs dusted & vacuumed.
    The new pattern is cute, good choice to stitch this month. I'm glad Jersey Boy is doing well!

  6. Glad to hear that Rich is making forward progress. What a pretty choice for February stitching, Coni! I am currently playing nurse to the husband who had surgery on the 1st.

  7. Hubby and I just finished recovering from Covid. Two weeks of staying in the house left me totally crazed!!!!! And this was a craziness even stitching couldn’t help. Neither of us was very sick at all, thank the Lord, but still confined and isolating. I feel for you - and know that you too are experiencing the “this too shall pass” feeling. Though it’s hard to appreciate it while you’re in the thick of things. Hang in there. —marlene

  8. Glad to read there's been progress...and enough for you to feel like getting out to the guild Saturday.

  9. Glad Mr JB is mobile even with a walker - he'll be racing round with it in no time. Also nice to see you are also about to embark on outdoor meetings with the ladies. A change of scenery does you good. Still murky here and vitamin D3 has been downed for about a year now. But it isn't windy and the naughty ducks keep hiding nests! Spring is springing!
    All the best, Kerry xx

  10. I'm so glad you are beginning to feel better. And I'm grateful Rich is improving. My close friend had both of hers done. It was amazing to me how different her experience was compared to getting both my knees and a shoulder done. I hope Rich does as well. Mondays and Wednesdays I don't have to be out until later. I admit to spending quite a bit of time in PJ's. Enjoy it and feel no guilt.

  11. I too like the tiny town - but that pile of floss got my heart rate up. It's good to hear you are both improving health wise.

  12. Good to hear you are both on the mend. While I love being in my pajama pants, I've heard if you dress for dinner It lifts your spirits and makes you feel good.
