Jan 3, 2024


We've just returned from the Urgent Care where my dear sweet Jersey Boy was diagnosed with Influenza Type A and told to go home and continue doing what he's been doing...which is taking Mucinex, Robitussin, lots of rest, and fluids.

As for Yours Truly...I am keeping my distance, washing my hands like a nervous raccoon, and thanking the stars above that I am fully vaccinated for whatever comes my way as I run to and fro catering to his every whim.

Stitching, soup, and not much else on the menu for today, Dearies.

What's new with you?


  1. Driving from Cape Cod to our former home town. Hubby is very attached to his neurologist so we’re making the trek to his appointment.
    Staying in a B&B - being a tourist in my old home town. Interesting. Brought stitching along but this antique inn has poor lighting.

  2. Sorry, I don’t know who to fix the anonymous thing. That was Marlene from Cape Cod

    1. My laptop knows who I am, but my iPad doesn't, so I just sign my name when I comment via iPad. I can't figure out why it doesn't know me.

  3. We had GD duty as usual last Thursday. DH has been battling a nasty cough since Thursday night. He tries to blame it on GD having just gotten over a cold/cough but *I* think he got it at one of the 3 times in 2 days of church duty. It takes longer than a few hours to be exposed and come down with cold symptoms IIRC. So far, knock wood, I've dodged coming down with it yet.

    Otherwise, it's ignoring cleaning and focusing on making the quilt for GD's mom. And too much time reading blogs.

    Hope Jersey Boy starts to feel better soon, and that you don't catch it (yes, I know you got vaccine) or any of the other forms of crud being passed around lately.

  4. Hope your Jersey Boy is feeling better each and every day, Coni! Going to start taking down Christmas today with going through the card basket. The rest won't get taken down until tomorrow or Saturday. Stay healthy, my friend!

  5. Stay healthy, wash hands frequently and tend to your poor Jersey Boy! I know he appreciates it!
