Nov 26, 2023


These are the projects that I selected for my "on deck" basket that sits right next to my chair, and holds things that are kitted up and ready to go....on stretcher bars or q-snaps and bagged with needles, scissors, bling, etc.

There are two additional baskets on the floor that hold other Christmas projects that I hope I'll get to eventually:

There's another bin of Christmas stuff behind my chair, but those are things that I will probably save for another year. 

I'm sure I'll futz around with stuff for a few days before I show any measurable progress, but it was a lovely afternoon today gathering and bagging and organizing and such.

What's in your basket?


  1. All kinds of things, kind of small, samplers and BAPs. I'm not a seasonal stitcher although I do have a fair amount of autumn themed projects! So, I work on what calls to me on any given day. Debby in CO

  2. I’m stitching things to sell at craft shows on the next 2 weekends, including Grinch Squeezees that hold a chocolate kiss!
    Plus Barbie furniture, holders for grocery cart coins, and carriers for small stuffed animals. I enjoy the stitching (especially while watching hallmark movies) and donate the proceeds to my favourite charity.
    Susan Anonymouse

  3. Still working on a project I started in May, but who is counting. Just want to finish it before I can't see the stitches anymore....Maybe a better light would help, ya think.....

  4. What a wonderful selection of Christmas pieces in your basket, Coni! I love the one by Emily Call so please pick that one! Currently working on one last pumpkin piece to finish out the month!

  5. I have Cashmere Santa ready to go to the finisher. It was fun to stitch!

  6. I have built-up too many baskets. I can remember my mom saying your eyes are bigger than your stomach at dinner. It turns out my stitching dreams are bigger than the hours in my day!
