Sep 29, 2023


Hello, Dearies!

Two years ago today, I had just gotten hooked up to the dialysis machine when I got THE CALL. Tomorrow, I will celebrate TWO YEARS of living this wonderful, happy, healthy, blessed new life with BellyBean, and I am going to make the most of the next three days.

Rich and I went out for breakfast and errands this morning, and in honor of National Coffee Day made our last stop at the Starbucks for a cold brew. I ordered a skinny vanilla cream version and am loving every single sip of it as I finish the day's paper and puzzles.
(The cold brew is on the right. They don't dispense them in 40oz insulated Bubbas.) (At least not yet, anyways.) 😉

My normal cold brew routine is to make one in the afternoon with a protein shake added. Miss Vonna, The Twisted Stitcher Her Very Self showed her profee treat yesterday using the pumpkin spice protein shake, and I'm pretty sure several thousand of us RAN our fannies to the WalMarts to get them, since that flavor is sold out everywhere! But you just can't go wrong with a profee, in my humble opinion, and if having that to look forward to every day is wrong, I don't want to be right!

Tonight we're heading over to Elkhart to see Kenny Wayne Shepherd at the Lerner Theater. (He's a blues guy and I've been looking forward to this for quite some time!) We may or may not go to dinner before the show, but at the moment we're both still full from breakfast, so it might just be something quick here before we leave.

Tomorrow we'll do the 5:00 Mass thing in the Basilica, followed by a few minutes at the Grotto, and then we're going to have dinner on campus. I'm going to order a candle in my dessert and will wish for many more happy years with my little bean!

On Sunday, I'm going to the Cedar Spa at the Four Winds Casino for a mani/pedi! I don't know what to expect, but a few hours of getting pampered never hurt anybody, right?

And there will definitely be stitching! I've been a little quiet in that department the last two weeks, but am happy to report that I'm still loving every single stitch:

Thank you, dear sweet friends, for all of your love and kindness. I finally tested NEGATIVE and am on the mend, I hope. I was pretty sick with it this time, and even missed the entire Notre Dame/Ohio State 
game weekend with my Lima peeps! Fatigue seems to be my biggest symptom, so I'm resting as needed. But that is definitely BEHIND me, and the weekend is AHEAD!


  1. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Transplantaversary!!

  2. I'm so glad you are better : ) Enjoy your day, sounds fun

  3. Has it really been 2 years already!! I still pray for you and hope you are enjoying your new life free of dialysis. Looks like it to me, as you are out doing alot more than me,lol anyway make the most of it sweetie you deserve it

  4. Happy Transplantversary! Have a great weekend!

  5. You are a lovely example of being grateful every day for the gift of your transplant. Because of you I have started cross stitching again after about a 10 year hiatus when I mainly knit. I gave away ALL of my cross stitch supplies long ago, but that’s okay since it seems a lot has changed. Won’t stitch the beautiful, complicated projects you do but am enjoying some fun, easy patterns.. Why is it so satisfying to “put a needle in, pull the needle out, repeat”? Have a blessed weekend

  6. Coni, enjoy your belly bean anniversary weekend. It sounds like you and Rich have great plans for it. Thinking of you!

  7. Happy Anniversary! A great reason to celebrate as much as you can!

  8. It doesn't seem like 2 years already. Very happy for your health and that you survived the virus. It can be miserable. Enjoy this weekend!

  9. Happy Transplantaversary! Such an incredible blessing for you. It sounds like a wonderful celebration weekend!! I'm glad you have recovered from covid as well. Take care.

  10. Happy Anniversary!! All celebrating is so well deserved.
