Jul 6, 2023


Aunt Chrissy and I ventured through the cornfields of Ligonier, Indiana to a place called Willowswamp Farm. He was called Mr Fuzzy by the little girl that lived there, but I called him Stewey, and the moment I looked into that funny little face, I knew my life would be changed forever.

And it was.

Happy SteweyMommieversary, Little. Thank you for being my Baby Dear, and for bringing so much love to my world.



  1. He couldn't have had a better "Mommy". They really do leave paw prints on your heart.

  2. Awww I miss his little adventures.
    I still miss my dear Striker who passed 10+ years ago. They are a source of unrivaled love aren't they!?

  3. Thinking of you, Coni! Enjoyed seeing the pictures of Stewey!

  4. Reminds me of my babies that passed July 2021. Still think of them every day

  5. My, how he was loved! And as my pastor assured me after my husband died,
    "Love never dies."

  6. I still miss my cat. Going on over 10 yrs now. Family wanted another cat and got one. My heart stills aches. They are irreplaceable once they steal your heart. ❤️

  7. The acute hurt dulls, but you never stop loving and missing them and I guess that is the way it should be if we learned our lessons from them. Jen

  8. He was as cute as can be, and your love for each other shows in the pictures. I miss all of the pets I’ve had the fortune of having in my life. It gets duller with the years, but my heart still aches for them.
