Apr 10, 2023




  1. I have been reading your blog for some years now but never took time to read the comments that were sent your way. As I could feel you were hurting, I took a look and could not believe how hateful and hurtful some of the comments were. I hope you are OK. I am sending good vibes your way. :) Julie/Canada

  2. Coni - You're awesome. Food and weight are hard, but you got this, and we are all rooting for you! Your humor is part of what keeps us reading, so don't dim your light for others. Looking forward to more stitch updates! All the best and God bless! Amy from NC

  3. Dear Coni I have never commented before but now I must. I lost my husband about a year ago and he enjoyed your shenanigans as much as I did. One thing I learned is people I expected to care did not and people I expected not to did. But I will say you owe no one else for anything. If they sent money or thoughts and prayers it was their choice. The only person you have to worry about and be concerned with is YOU. Keep on keeping on, that is what I try to do

    1. So very true. Coni does not owe anyone anything. I miss her posts when she takes a break. But, I understand it's needed sometimes!

  4. You can binge on junk food, but you are smart enuf to realize it will come back to haunt you and you will never attain your goal weight. Been there, done that, no T shirt. You could be done 20 lbs in 3 months, or any amount and time frame if you just realized it’s poison. Does it make you feel better or worse at the end of the day to eat that?

    1. That is not completely true. There are many conditions where weight is just so hard to get off (e.g., PCOS, thyroid issues, hormonal problems, Cushing's, etc.). It is a more complex issue most of the time than, "oh, don't eat any junk food at all and that will fix all your problems." I have PCOS, and can eat like a saint, 100% clean every day and work out almost every day, and I lose one pound in two months (NOT an exaggeration). She doesn't owe anyone an explanation, nor do we know her full health and eating habits history. A little compassion and understanding goes a long way.
