Apr 24, 2023



Rich called me quirky the other day.

At first, I was a bit offended, and I wanted to interrogate him as to which of my many charming behaviors he would consider...quirky, but instead I silently reviewed the list in my head of charming behaviors that I consider quirky, and I zipped it.

I get nervous if there are less than forty or fifty rolls of toilet tissue in the house.

I am known to twitch if there is the slightest possibility that I won't be able to have the perfect cup of damn good within ten minutes of waking up. (Starbucks French Roast with a slight bit of Truvia and just the exact right amount of half and half in a big cup that has been warmed under hot water.)

I have a sippy cup addiction problem.

I have been known to break out in a cold sweat if we run out of "the good" ice.

I pat Stewey's box every night before bed and say the same thing to him that I did when he was alive: "Night night, my little Prince. Mommie loves you. You have good sweet puppy dreams and I'll see you in the morning."

I don't like air hitting the insides of my elbows.

I used to love public speaking and won a few speech contests in my time, but the thought of leaving the apartment now sends me straight into a full-blown panic attack that can last three days.

I will reveal the most intimate/horrifying details of my weird little personality to you all on this here blog, but if a person asks me how my day is going on the rare occasions I'm out in public I completely freeze.

How's THAT for evidence? I could go on until the cows come home, but the truth of the matter is that I happen to think that one spinster's quirk is just another's way of coping with a world that sometimes scare the beejeebers out of her, or that can be a rough and tumble or mean-spirited place to survive sometimes, and we all just have to do what we all just have to do.


Change of subject.

I wanted to say a bit more about our libraries here. We have two different systems available...the St Joe County system and the Mishawaka Penn/Harris/Madison system.  I can say from first-hand experience that both are quite excellent, but I am particularly fond of the St Joe system and its branches. The newly re-modeled and expanded Main Branch in downtown South Bend takes up an entire city block, and I am dying to go explore it fully. The branches...of which I have frequented two...are gorgeously appointed, and full of amenities like fireplaces and living room settings, fantastic architecture, great selections of all kinds of materials (I'm partial to adult fiction and new releases), fantastic programming, and some of the nicest staff you'll ever meet.

The woman that is responsible for all of this amazingness is Debra Futa. She was the head of the entire library system for many years prior to her retirement, and I have the honor of considering her a friend. She reached out to me when Stewey got sick, and we exchanged emails back and forth over the years...much to my delight.

Deb is a stitcher, which makes her even more perfect in my opinion!

But yes...to answer your comments here and on the social medias...our libraries here are like cathedrals, and if you asked me why I never want to think about leaving here, they are #2 on the list right behind Notre Dame and right in front of because this is where all my stuff lives.

Finally...how about a stitchy update? I am closing in on a finish, and were it not for the fact that I had to glue my eyeballs to Rabbit Hole, The Diplomat, and Succession on the TeeVee last night, I might actually be reporting a finish today.

I'll thread up as soon as I'm finished writing to you, so stay tuned for a FeeNee from Yours Truly!

I hope you've had or are having a very Happy Monday, Dearies, and that your weekend was full of fun. What's blowing your skirt up these days? Come tell me all about it!


  1. I agree with the statement library's are a hospital for the mind. I don't know what I'd do without my books. They are as important as my stitching.
    On being quirky, we are all part of the human race but that is where our similarities end. I sew with 5 Christian friends every Friday and we are all so different. We all have our own idiosyncrasies. It makes life fun and interesting.

  2. Thank goodness we all have our own quirks. Life would be way too boring otherwise. Stitching is looking great. If my local library had a fireplace and comfy furniture I might be tempted to move in. Reading…a beautiful way to escape the world.

    Amy in NJ

  3. As a librarian I wholeheartedly embrace your statement...as a quirky person, I also embrace your statement! You're two for two!😁📚📖📙📘📗📔📕📒📓📚📚📚👍👍👍👌👌👌

  4. Show me someone who isn't quirky and I might not believe you anyway! When I think of my "quirks" I don't know whether to roll my eyes or run screaming!! We love you for you. Looking forward to seeing the finish. Debby in CO

  5. And I thought I was the only one with a toilet paper obsession (It all started during Covid.) And I love Rabbit Hole!

  6. Sorry. I forgot to sign my message. It’s Deb

  7. Gosh, you’ve flown through the Heart stitching! It’s looking great!

  8. Your heart stitch is looking fabulous, Coni! I would never leave your library especially if there was a fully functioning bathroom and kitchen set up. Books and stitching are awesome for one's mental health. If we didn't have our quirks, life would be on the boring side I think. Have a wonderful week!

  9. I love going to our local branch library and usually drop by weekly to return and check out books. Our main headquarters library...not so much...too many vagrants and homeless following you around the building.

  10. I realized a couple of yrs ago that I am a "unique" personality- I honestly have never met anyone quite like me. So you're not really alone in your quirkiness (altho you are, you know?) :):) -p.

  11. Grew up with the "Nuns" so quirkiness was out of the question, but I managed and retained it with a bit of propriety on the side. Love your library and your allegiance to all things books. Yep, the pandemic fostered uber toilet tissue storing, but if it gives you calm, why not? Look forward to the day you can transfer your ease and aplomb among us to the outside world which would likely celebrate you as we do once, you get your public speaking mojo into gear for them... The hearts are looking so lovely. I must catch up on viewing ... your choices look interesting.

  12. I don't find being quirky a bad thing! You know what you want and have your routines.

    I love a good library and would be content to read all day every day unless I was stitching.

  13. I think everyone is a little quirky. Or at least the interesting people :) Beautiful stitching! That sure is a sweet project.
