Apr 19, 2023


My day started at the Nephrologist's office for a follow-up. As I was waiting to check in, I admired the lady in front of me for being so well put together. From the top of her well-coiffed head to the tips of her perfectly manicured toes, she looked great. Great outfit, great shoes, great bag, and beautiful hair and makeup. 

And then there was me....in my Woman Within sweatsuit and bright white Sketchers that are two sizes too big and make me feel like I have bags of marshmallows on my feet. I was clean and had properly deoderized, but pulled together?  Um. Not so much.

 Do you think I'm EVER going to get my act together?

After a Starbucks pickup (Cold brew with sugar free vanilla syrup, a light splash of half and half and cold foam) I was in the chair for some afternoon stitching time:

I love how quickly this one is stitching, and the red is really truly blowing my skirt up! 

JB enjoyed his time out on the balcony listening to Philly sports radio, then came in and announced that we were going to go watch some baseball since it looked like the weather was favorable.

It was:

My Irish beat Western Michigan by a score of 2-1. We had fantastic seats, and it was just beautiful out there in the fresh air and semi-sunshine!

Tomorrow is a bill-paying/paperwork/dining room table kind of day. I have piles and piles of mail and such that needs to be sorted, and I'm hoping to get my planner out and play with stickers and markers and glitter and stuff.

I hope your Futzingday was wonderful, and that you futzed with impunity like I did! 

What's blowing YOUR skirt up? Come tell me all about it!


  1. It looks like you had a lovely time at the baseball game, Coni. Being out in the fresh air sounds glorious. Hope the appointment with the Nephrologist went smoothly. Finishing Bluebird Boarding House blew my skirt up last night!

  2. Love being in the fresh air lately. Finished a knit pullover for my grand daughter and it fits her well. Of course summer is coming, duh, not the best timing but she can wear it this fall.

  3. Busy trying to finish a cross stitch called Cow Pile by Plum Street Sampler. It is for my daughter who has a small farm and loving the farm life with her husband and two girls. Itching to get in the flower gardens but still a dream with this Wisconsin weather. Foolish thoughts for now.

  4. Really, who can cope with being clean, deodorized, AND well put together for a first thing in the morning appointment. Not me. In fact, being well put together at all is an achievement!

  5. Meh, clean and deodorized is plenty. ^ ^ You’re there, on time, and presentable. We do cute for when it matters…lol

  6. Coni, you do you; you are enough as you are.
