Mar 4, 2023



My Irish aren't looking very good, I'm afraid. Rich says it's because we're missing three of our top players, but I'm not too sure about that. 

A lazy Saturday so far. I'm enjoying my damn good and the sunshine bouncing off of the bright white snow, and eventually I'll get my act together and put some laundry away and spiff up the big girl sleigh bed.

For now, though, I'm going to enjoy the newspaper and maybe a few stitches before it's time to get ready for 5:00 Mass.

What's new with you, Dearies? Come tell me all about it!


  1. We had a big snowstorm last night (including exciting thundersnow), so I decided this was a good day to stay inside. I have spent the last couple of hours doing some organizational policy for a charity. And enjoying bright snow and sunshine through the windows!

  2. No snow here, but plenty of sunshine this weekend. It has made walking the driveway very pleasant. Happy Sunday, Coni!

  3. We don’t have snow yet (UK), but apparently it’s due this coming week. I’m going to be crocheting this weekend…..if I can remember which pattern I started from Pinterest, a few months ago…. I knew I should have made a note of it 🤦🏻‍♀️
