Feb 28, 2023


I went for a long overdue haircut today, and left the salon looking a lot like I did when I went in. I had visions of going back to my hairstyle from high school, since lately I'm feeling rather schlumpy, but the big bangs, slicked back sides, and long curly back are too reminiscent of something involving a trucker hat and chewable tobacco.


My hair was always kinda my vanity, since it was very full and very curly, and despite my propensity for bargain shampoo, it was always healthy. Since transplant, however, it has changed pretty dramatically and is now rather thin and baby fine.


In the spirit of concentrating on the positive, I decided to let the stylist do her thing, and as she was finishing up, she commented that my hair was actually quite healthy, and there was a lot of it. 

So my fears were allayed, my bank account lightened, and my focus shifted to gratitude that my tired drag queen look apparently suits me and will remain intact for the foreseeable future.

I've just finished a delicious little lunch, and am slurping a new Starbucks treat....a venti cold brew with skinny cold foam. This replaces my venti cold brew with sweet cream and tastes exactly the same to me without the calories! 

Time for laundry and stitching, Dearies! What are you doing this afternoon?


  1. HI Conni, In Australia a mullet haircut is short at the front and long at the back and is often referred to as party business at the front and party at the back... LOL Robyn Sydney Australia

  2. What was for lunch, Coni? Tuesday was filled with chores, stitching and reading. More of the same for today!

  3. Did I hear correctly that mullets are making a comeback? I don't think they are called that now though? I'm glad the stylist was able to give you good news on your hair's condition. Just because it's not what it was doesn't mean it's bad.
    Yesterday was a bit of quilting, today will be going to pick up a tax return. Tomorrow...someone should do a bit of cleaning since the maid* hasn't been worth her pay.
    * that would be me, and I get no pay.

  4. My hair is also doing weird things, although I just put it down to an age thing (56)! It’s decided to be curly, despite being pin straight for the first 54 years! What’s going on?!
