Dec 20, 2022


Apparently we're going to have quite a winter storm for Christmas! I am well-provisioned and looking forward to hunkering down tomorrow after I get some labwork done.

Tomorrow will be a day for laundry, and if all goes well I'm going to make peanut butter fudge and crockpot candy. Both are super easy, so hopefully it will give me confidence leading into Thursday's Greek cookie extravaganza.

No stitching tonight. I did my nails instead and decided to chill in front of the TeeVee for a bit.

Rich made it to New Jersey safely, and I'm sure his mom will love visiting with him for the next week and a half.  He spoiled me rotten before he left with tickets to a basketball game and dinner in the VIP club, a beautiful ring, an air fryer (!), leggings, and a fridge full of goodies for all of my Christmastide feasting. He'll be home for New Year's Eve, and we have reservations to go for dinner at Tippecanoe Place...the Studebaker mansion. 

Well, Dearies, I suppose it's time to head to bed. I've been reading Les Miserables, and am really enjoying it. I had hoped to finish it before Christmas, but alas, it might take me well into the new year to finish.

Come tell me all about your corner of the world! Are you doing anything special for Futzingday?


  1. Hi from Oakdale,CA. I want to be stitching but I'm trying to catch up on Christmas cards at the last minute. Cold here but no snow.

  2. Yesterday, I had a date for lunch and stitching with a friend. So much fun! Glad you are all set for the incoming storm, Coni. Take care and be well!

  3. Wait . . . a ring???

    And you show us nails but not fingers?

    1. It's not a RING ring....just something I had on my wish list.

  4. I hope you don’t get impacted too much with the weather. You certainly did get spoiled. A thoughtful man! The next couple days we are getting some snow, but brutal temps and windchills with 40 mph gusts. I’ll be busy playing several services and cooking. Happiest of holidays Coni.

  5. We are getting ready for a big storm here in Wisconsin too. Much to do yet at home of all things Christmasy.
