Nov 16, 2022



My poor JB is sickety sick sick with a bad cold and a bit of the flu, so we're hunkered down with provisions and lots of rest and fluids. Groceries arrived this morning, so we have good things to get us through until next week's feasting, and the snow has started to fly.

With any luck I'll be able to finish Up In The Air today, and I can start to think about Christmas stitching.

What's new with you, Dearies? Come tell me all about it!


  1. I'm plugging away on a Quilt of Valor quilt top. Maybe stitching later.
    Hope JB feels better soon, and you don't catch it.

  2. Hope JB feels better soon! Up In The Air is looking great!! I'm just working on being ready to leave for my brother's for Thanksgiving.

  3. Love your cup! So sorry about your Jersey Boy though.

  4. Hope JB feeling improved and over it in no time. Up in the Air
    is such a great finish. Stay cozy and warm and ride out the
    storm snug and sated.

  5. I hope your JB is soon back to normal! I appear to have lost my bargello chart during last week's travels. I'm going to do a thorough search under the grocery bags and bad weather emergency gear in the car trunk and hope the chart appears. Then I'm going over to check out the new-to-me aquatic center. I'm hoping to splash and paddle my way through snow season!

  6. Flu is hitting hard here in Missouri, too. Hope JB feels better soon (and you stay well)! Up In the Air is coming along very nicely-love it!!

  7. Hope your JB is feeling better soon! Praying that you remain healthy, dear Coni!

  8. Get well soon Mr JB. Hope you escape the germs Coni! Up in the Air is looking good, will look forward to the fee nee. Here I have my sewing room and am finishing my daughter's wedding quilt - it was her second anniversary this month - oopsie! Better late than never!
    Cheerio, Kerry xx

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