Oct 11, 2022


Butter boards, breakfast boards, fig and jam and rosemary blue cheese olive boards! I'm all for it, Dearies, but can we just go back to cheese and crackers on a plate, please?


  1. Mom had entered herself in a contest & was asking if she should enter me too. I swear, what I heard was "Do you want to sign up for a shark cooter board?" After I explained my horrified look to her (& we both stopped laughing,) she put the story on Facebook. The entire family has voted to call them that from now on...

  2. I'd walk a long way in the rain if those cheesy crackers were waiting for me at the other end!

  3. Not something I'd heard of in the UK so I had to look up what you meant. Looks like an extremely messy way of eating otherwise good food. We're still old fashioned enough to have the cheese and/or butter separate from the biscuits so we can add them in the amounts we want and be in control.

  4. When a local ladies' group asked me to demonstrate said board, I basically taught them to save your time and money. Most of that stuff all gets tossed anyway after everyone is finished pillaging with their fingers and breathing on it. One cheese, two at the most, one good cracker, and one nice fruit is all you need. The important thing is to sit down and be present.

  5. Oh my gosh! This reminds me of growing up in the midwest and this being a snack. JUST Exactly like this. Ruth in Oxnard
