Aug 25, 2022


Only one small corner to go on Baked Alaska, and then I think she'll take a nice long rest before getting tarted up with beads. I think this piece was exactly what I needed to get through my usual August stitching doldrums. Whenever I take a little trip down memory lane, it seems that this time of year has always been rather skimpy in the production department, so it feels good to have broken that spell.

We are venturing over to Lima, Ohio for the hometown. Plans are in place to go to the Wapakoneta High School football game to see my goddaughter's husband in his coaching action, and I've promised Rich that we will stop for lunch at the Kewpee on our way into town. 

(Wapak is just south of Lima and is the birthplace of astronaut Neil Armstrong, and the Kewpee is a burger joint that is a Lima favorite.)

Today is all about trying to snap out of some awful dark funk that has been hanging over me. I know it's probably tied to meds and such, but I can't seem to get the big black dog to heal. It came on rather suddenly, but I feel like I'm wearing a hat that is just a few sizes too small. Given my druthers, I would rather just stay in bed until it passes, but since I'm already spending entirely too much time there, I suppose I need to straighten my britches and pull ip my socks and just get on with it already.

(Remind me, though, to write a chapter in my book about the awful trap of guilt and shame that washes over you when you're a kidney recipient and have absolutely everything you could possibly want and/or need, and more blessings and wonderful things in your life than you can count, and yet you still have dark days.)


Mary Poppins might have left the building for a minute, but that doesn't mean one needs to wallow. Onward we go, Dearies! There's laundry to splosh, tables to tidy, and outfits to be selected for the Grand Adventure! We'll be on our way tomorrow after labwork, so I will wish you a Happy Weekend now, and beg you to come tell me all about life in your corner of the world!


  1. Had a little break in our intense heat and humidity this week. A lot of stress in life lately but my evening walks help me reconnect spiritually and clear my head. May the darkness lift for you.

  2. Coni dear, Baked Alaska is a winner..can you imagine its scope when beaded? As to your "malaise".. join the rest of the nation living in the milieu of concern and possible need brought on by some unwise governmental determinations. Enuff! We shall prevail and climb out of it....and so will you. Your chemistry will balance and you will be restored to your well being self. Just go
    and have a great time in Ohio and give Kewpees a run for their money.... Live and enjoy...

  3. Sending love, Coni. You've been through a huge amount of challenge and change. Please be gentle with yourself. Said with love from someone who's well acquainted with the black dog on the back.

  4. The black dog seems to be getting around! He's been camped out here for a bit too. However, my knee surgeon just cleared me to go back to work 3 days a week, starting next week. I think being out of the house & doing something sort of useful will help shake it off. (WFH didn't happen for me because we couldn't get a reliable internet signal here in our little neighborhood)

    Enjoy your weekend, dear lady!

  5. Keep on keeping on Coni. We are all rooting for ypu.

  6. Baked Alaska is looking good, Coni. Enjoy your weekend in Lima and the meal at Kewpee! Thinking of you.
