Jul 25, 2022


At long last, a cool breeze has come to Hoosierville, so the windows and patio door are open, and I am feeling much better and not like a potato in the microwave wrapped in a damp paper towel.

If only it would last.

On the reading front, I finally finished:
I picked this up on my trip to Indianapolis at the recommendation of the lovely young man at the bookstore, but I have to confess that I had to go back to the beginning and start over several times because I just couldn't follow the plot to save myself. Very twisty, indeed. It's a murder mystery and supposed to be "Agatha Christie meets Downton Abbey", but I'm still scratching my head over it.

Rich and I have had a considerable lack of doing anything other than watching TeeVee these lastvfew days...bingeing Yellowstone and The Loudest Voice, along with a few Phillies games. The first you probably all know well. The second was based on a book written about Roger Ailes, the President of Fox News.

I liked Yellowstone.

During all of this bingeing, I have been plugging along on Baked Alaska:
I'm at the stage where I know it's eventually going to end, so I'm really savoring each and every stitch. Everything about this piece tickles my fancy at the moment...especially the cool blue colors.

Speaking of cool blue, we have been venturing down to the swimming pool in the afternoons for a dip. I manage to do my old lady arm exercises and have added some other movements I learned in class, so I am at least moving things about every now and then. 

My food intake, however, has been in the "I don't want to talk about it" range for months now...bingeing and snarfing down everything I can get my hands on. Terrible cravings for crazy things (like peanut butter or cheese spread or rice cakes), and lots of eating in the evenings.

Today is a new day, though, so I am determined to remedy it by staying mindful and not stuffing anything anywhere without carefully considering it first. 

Time to get on with Monday, I suppose. I might try to venture to the gym for a walk in the treadmill. I would love to walk outside, but with this added weight, I am even less steady on my feet than before, and am positive that they would have to leave me by the side of the road until a crane was available to hoist me upright again.

Happy Monday, Dearies! I do hope you are happy and healthy and well! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Lady, I feel your pain! I have gained 6 lbs since my knee surgery 11 days ago. It's partly my fault- my appetite has been off due to the assorted meds, so I've been eating mostly soup, pasta, & ice cream. And it's partly the fault of my "caretaker", who trashed the kitchen I had cleaned literally the night before my op & has yet to clean it up. I'm going to get out the barstool later today and do it myself, then I'm going to have a hissy til I'm driven to the store for some proper groceries! (And to Michaels, because the house has once again eaten all of my floss bobbins & I have a TON of new flosses from Etsy that need sorting out)

    We'll get there! It may take us a few missteps, but we'll both get to where we want/need to be!

  2. Buy a set of walking poles. They are wonderful for helping to maintain balance.

  3. Ugh, I was recently diagnosed as pre diabetic. That scared the crap out of me and for the first time in years I have been serious about losing weight and stuck to it for 2 1/2 months and lost 15 lbs. Just remember what life was like before your surgery. You don't want to go back to that! Believe me, I know how hard it is.

  4. Bingeing is such a nasty thing - you end up feel so guilty that you immediately find something else to comfort eat. I guess timing for you wasn't in the right place for a while, but we know you can do it, just a matter of getting in that zone.
    Happy that the weather is giving you a bit of a break. Cheers, Kerry xx

  5. I too am starting a term of mindfulness eating. Five kilos to loose by October. I wish you well.

  6. You can do it with the mindful eating and the exercise, Coni. Your tribe is here to cheer you on.

  7. Enjoy the cooler weather! We are still pretty warm here on PEI but today does seem a little less humid though. Baked Alaska is beautiful! Do you have more of the dessert series? Or will this be your last one? I hope you have more :)

  8. I just finished the same book. I read it on a recommendation and now I need to ask that person what they were thinking. Nothing like Agatha Christie. Not a relaxing before bed book.
