May 11, 2022


As you know from reading this here blog, I started my week with hands that looked like this:

Here's the important safety tip. When watching the Philadelphia 76ers lose to the Miami Heat, do not decide to file your nails:

I used to frantically eat Rice Krispy treats during the games. But now that I am trying to make better food choices, etc I figured I'd just gently go over the tips of my nails and shape and shorten them just a tad.


Right down to their little stumpy shortness.

All is not lost, however. After a good long rub with hand cream and solar oil, I let them have a nice long sleep, and got them all tarted up again:

Much, much better in my humble opinion.

So now that I've had THAT adventure, I'm going to behave myself for the rest of the day, put Bosch on the TeeVee while Rich sits outside in the heat and listens to his radio, and get some serious stitchy time in.

That's it for me today, Dearies! If you are enjoying this little heat wave we're having, please stay cool and hydrated! I learned my lesson when my peeps came a few weekends ago. Heat and I just don't get along, so inside and air-conditioned I shall be!


  1. Your cautionary tale is why I don't pluck my own eyebrows or "trim" my bangs!

  2. Thanks for the tip Coni....LOVE LOVE the polka dot nails! Two thumbs up, way up!👍👍

  3. I'm laughing as I have done this. Great nails.

  4. The polka dots are really cute! Hope you have a relaxing stitchy day!
