Dec 18, 2021


Heidy ho, Dearies!

We seem to be stuck in a bit of the drearies here in Hoosierville, so I'm going to take advantage of the gloom and get into comfies and stitch all day.

This is a needlepoint ornament from the Wool and Willow:

I made pretty good progress on it last night and can't wait to get back to it. Some of the threads are sparkly, so I'll get my "tart it up" on with impunity!!

What's going on in your corner of the world?


  1. Still plying away on the latest sampler. Sun shining brightly and wish I could ship some to you. Your latest project looks like a snap for you...sparkly and all. Do you use wools on your needlepoint? Enjoy the holing up in comfies.

  2. It's a snowy wintery day in Toronto. I had to go out for a short walk for an appointment, and am happy we will have last night's beef stew left over for dinner!

  3. That a beautiful ornament! I'm working on finishing up a few too, although they aren't as pretty / sparkly as your's is. I'm watching the snow fall and doing some laundry too. Got Christmas music on too!

  4. Dreary here as well! I went to a sit and stitch on Saturday and had a good time. Today, I don't plan on leaving the house. Have a blessed Sunday, Coni!

  5. Oooh that is going to be a pretty one! I am doing laundry today but last night we took a horse drawn wagon through the streets of Charlottetown to look at Christmas lights. It was perfect.
