Aug 24, 2021


Dear Spinster Nation,

I am faced with an enormous dilemma, and am looking for your input/guidance.

As you all know, I have been the recipient of ENORMOUS generosity from this family community. Asking you to contribute your hard-earned money to my kidney transplant fund literally makes me sick to my stomach, but I know that I need to get my humiliation in check and realize that covering my costs of the transplant is critical and a necessary part of the preparation for it.

My sister, Aunt Chrissy, has lovingly donated items from her etsy shop (Siggy's Closet) for me to sell to raise additional funds. The sets are comprised of a magnetic needle minder, a floss ring/key tag, and a beaded scissor fob.

I have five sets that look like this:

Five sets that look like this:

And ten of these pumpkin needle minder/magnets:

How the heck do I offer these to you, considering the limited number that I have available? 

In addition to these items, I also have a t-shirt coming that will have these imprints (one front, one back):

(Each year during football season, Notre Dame does a series of features called "What are you fighting for?" to highlight the work that ND students, faculty, and staff do to combat a global problem. I am shamelessly co-opting the slogan for my personal problem.) 😬

The pricing issues are being penciled as I type this, but it looks like the shirt will have to sell in the $40 range to make it work. Is this completely ridiculous?

I am also assembling baskets of stash that I hope to auction, but as I do this, I am concerned that I might be completely overwhelming and turning off my family gathered herein by this incessant fundraising.

Yup....I'm completely twisted all up in my head, and I just want to go lie down under a rock until the feeling passes and I can go back to this here blog being a record of my hapless antics and memories of Stewey. 



  1. I'm in for a shirt. I will wear it proudly. Please get a really big size (it will cost more, I'm fine with paying more) so that I can wear it as a tunic.

    About the other items--I have an artist friend who every-so-often raffles off a painting. Decide on a price for the tickets and a cut-off date, and go!

    I suggest $25 minimum ticket for a set, and $5 minimum ticket for the pumpkin needle minder.

  2. I think Ann in Baton Rouge has great ideas for your auctions! I love your sister's needlework accessories --- I shop from her Etsy shop and have NEVER been disappointed! And I'd love to try for one of the sets she has prepared for you!

  3. I could not spend $40 for a t-shirt. I suggest you price the accessories for sale on first come, first served basis. I'm happy to make a direct contribution for your fund.

  4. What about auctioning one of Kit A, one of Kit B, and one pumpkin separately for a set amount of time? Then do another auction, then another. As for the shirt, most people realize they're not really buying the shirt, they're helping you. (Like "buying" Girl Scout cookies, or school fundraiser items.)

  5. Coni, don't apologize for trying to save your OWN life. Do what you need to do. I think you've see what people will do to help you accomplish that goal.

    And to Ames in VA....if you "could not spend $40 for a t-shirt"...then don't. You don't have to make your displeasure known to everyone. Just quietly make a donation for whatever sum you wish and be done with it.

    1. There was no displeasure. Coni asked for our thoughts in her post.

  6. Coni, we’re one big family and helping family is what we do! I would get a t-shirt. I think you’ve already had some good ideas about an auction mentioned in earlier comments.

  7. I don't have need for any of these items, although they are super cute! But I would love to donate to your kidney fund if you could share how to do so 🙂

  8. I agree with Patricia
    and a T-shirt is a good idea

  9. Are the fob sets available now? I would love the first set with the bat minder.

  10. I would love a Jack-O needle minder! We all want to help you Coni. Just put stuff up for auction or sale, and those who want to will buy or donate what they can. I’m also curious to see what stash goodies you put together..

  11. I would also like to make a donation. You have provided me with years of entertainment with your blog. Wishing you all the best, coni!

  12. Coni - it's hardly "incessant fundraising" at this stage! LOL

    The auction of your work was loads of fun. Another smaller effort with Aunty Chrissy's donations will also be fun. If your blog became all and only about fundraising, then that would be your choice - you may lose some of your current readers and perhaps you'd attract some new ones. It's your blog, so you get to use it for whatever purpose you wish.

    But at this stage, I feel that you work and your writing has attracted a lot of regular readers, many of whom are very happy to participate in some fund raising activities. If some one doesn't want to participate or is circumstances that don't allow them to participate, that's perfectly fine - no one will ever know and no one will judge them.

    I hope this provides you with some reassurance.

    Sydney, Australia

  13. Dear Coni-
    I brusque language, get over yourself! Do you have any idea how much joy and inspiration you bring to your family of stitch-sibs (if I may adapt a phrase from Brenda Dayne)? I, for one, get such a kick out of seeing your stitching. I feel like I am not alone in the weight loss arena , and am sticking with the process (long past the point where I gave up before) knowing you were by my side. Your willingness to write about your feelings- your joy, your depression, your fear,your love- lifts me up.
    You demonstrate daily how to have Courage, Grace,Joy, Compassion and so much more.
    So please let us help however we can! I missed the first round auctions, so- more please! I want to be here for you, like I feel like you are there for me!

  14. Coni - You know I will buy anything you offer! I want to support you. As stated above, you show us grace under fire every day along with joy, compassion and laughter! No problem with fundraising at all.
    One suggestion is should you add a phone number on the shirt for people who MAY want to donate a kidney to contact? And one other, how about tote bags? No size requirements!
    Always here for you as you have been for all of us all these years!

  15. Deborah is absolutely right. "Don't apologize for trying to save your OWN life." You have given of yourself genuinely and steadfastly here and I think that's the magic that is YOU. Push through the doubt. Don't worry about asking for help to raise money. You're offering something in return -- those who want to participate will, those who don't won't. (The punctuation is probably all wrong on that, but you get my meaning.) Full steam ahead, girlfriend! Got for it!

  16. I love Ellen's idea of a tote bag--it could become my stitching bag!

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give back to you a little of all you have given to us over the years.

  17. Asking for help is a “hard thing” but you can do hard things Coni! I’d love to donate. Please advise how and I’m on it!💕🇨🇦

  18. I like Ann in Baton Rouge's ideas for the raffle and like Ellen's idea of a tote bag. Keep going!

  19. I would love one of the witch hat sets? Where do I sign up?

  20. I'd pay that amount for a long sleeved T-shirt. Or how about a sweatshirt?
    Ruth in Oxnard.

  21. I love the tote bag idea, but I’d also like to just make a donation. I hope you’ll accept that. You have a lot of people on your side, thinking of you daily!
