Jul 16, 2021


It occurs to me that dialysis is a lot like crock pot cooking. Best when done low and slow and with the lid firmly in place for the duration.

I've been a hot mess this week mentally and physically, Dearies, and decidedly not myself. Nothing has snapped me out of my funkety funk funk, and I'm heading into the weekend a bit muddled and surly.


I'm certain that our lousy weather has an awful lot to do with it, so maybe if the wind shifts and a cooler and drier breeze blows in I'll snap out if it.

In the meantime, there's lots to do and lists to be made and chores to complete and stitchy things to stitch.The cube room studio is an absolute disaster and I'm piling stuff on the kitchen table again, so maybe a good clear out will help this mood to pass quicker.

I hope that life in your corner of the world is considerably brighter! Come tell me all about what's blowing your pant legs up!


  1. Nope, not really brighter here. I'm preparing for an estate-related trip to Minnesota with niece. They are predicting 90+ degrees up there next week :-( I hope there's a working air conditioner in that house! Otherwise, it's haircut/donate day for me. I was going to do that a year ago, but virus crap delayed it.

    I too am convinced the body doesn't like rapid changes. Weight loss, stretching & exercise, bending over to pick things up off the floor, getting out of bed in the morning - all see better done slow and steady, no sudden moves to spook it, especially as I get older.

  2. As I tell my friend in rehab for her knee, “slow and steady wins the race”. Just keep going! We must just keep going!! ❤️

  3. Coni, I'm with you on the weather. Not much excitement here; staying inside because it is too hot and muggy (and buggy) for this old lady.

  4. easy does it
    does it easy

    thank you for sharing yourself and your goodness

  5. Beware of clutter - it disorients and botches the day...although you seem uber organized, so a little
    askew can be upsetting... take it slow and get it
    lined up again and you should breath easy. May you
    be cool...

  6. Definitely the weather and we have had a few summer days with heat - but not the heat that you get, even so we are not used to it and it feels like gravity is making sure we stay in bed! But I can't, so stagger about until the coffee kicks in!
    Hang in there and enjoy that air con!

  7. Low and slow... reminds me of something I heard recently on facebook. There is a girl who makes foraging videos. Not something I would have ever thought I would enjoy but her videos are great! And in one of them she says "Low and slow. Like a corgi that needs a nap" You should check her out. Blackforager is her page name.
