Jan 25, 2021


Well, Dearies...here we are on another Monday! Buzzy and I are all hooked up and are doing our thing. I'm back in my corner chair with Ms Dana caring for me today, so I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

My JB put his foot down yesterday and decided that we were going to put shoes and socks on and go for a little drive over to the Grotto to get some fresh air and exercise. Campus was completely quiet and deserted (except for this little guy enjoying his Sunday brunch):

JB lit his candles, I said my prayers and did my thing, and then we headed home.

On the way, we stopped at the Martins to pick up our grocery order...just a few things to get us through the week (like creamer for my damn good and a loaf of lovely rye bread for sandwiches and patty melts.)

I decided to just enjoy my little kit further rather than stress over it. The addition of stretcher bars really helped with comfort, and being able to use a needleminder saved me from sticking the needle in the arm of the Happy Chair!

Snow here tonight, I think. It's funny how I don't monitor the weather daily like I used to at Chez Spinster. I can remember calling Aunt Chrissy and hollering "WE HAVE TO GO GET PROVISIONS!  A CLOUD JUST CROSSED THE SKY!" and now I'm like "EH...THAT'S WHAT DOOR DASH IS FOR".

Man o manachevits, how times have changed.

That's my report today, Dearies. I hope things in your neck of the world are wonderful and that you'll come tell me all about it!



  1. Oh my goodness! Is that Emmitsburg???!!

    1. Nope....it's the Grotto on the campus of Notre Dame.

  2. Looks like a lovely day to be out and about! My boys and I did a little shopping after school. New basketball shoes and a birthday present for my sister were needed then take out Chinese food for supper. Now I am full and sleepy. Hope your treatment went well today!

  3. I think the needle minder is so cute. Glad you are stitching while treatment is going smoothly. The grotto is very pretty. Good for Mr JB, it looked a nice day too.
    Here, sunny Saturday, snowy Sunday and melting Monday. Today it is back to rain. But summer is coming, I've been working in the greenhouse and when the sun is out, it is lovely under glass!

  4. Your Mill Hill piece is looking good, Coni. What size stretcher bars did you attach it to? Glad you got out for a walk and provisions. Hope your Monday evening was lovely.

  5. Since you love candles I want to tell you about Mythologie candles. I'm a happy customer, not a salesperson! They are a little more expensive but the large ones come with a wood wick that crackles like a fire and they smell wonderful. I thought you might like to try them. I love mine.
