Nov 28, 2020


The strangest thing happened to me last night. After dinner (a Greek salad with grilled chicken thankyouverymuch) I felt compelled to take a walk.

(Pause for reaction.)


A walk.

So walk I did. It was only a few loops around the apartment, but it was really refreshing out there in the brisk night air, and I felt simply wonderful after.

You will never guess what happened next.

I took another walk after breakfast (spinach quiche and a bagel) moments ago with my Jersey Boy in the breezy morning sunshine! 

This time we went around the little neighborhood AND a few loops around the apartment complex. And I am happy to report that my fat little legs were able to not only keep up with his much longer stride...I actually set a pace that had him huffing and puffing away while I was humming right along!

I don't want to jinx myself, but if I can get myself up to a couple of miles a day it will bode very nicely for my recovery, I'm sure. Plus, the benefit to my mental health is already being felt, since it is 1:00 on a Saturday afternoon and I'm quite calm and peaceful rather than running around like the proverbial headless chicken.

We are showered and in freshly washed pajamas, enjoying the light from the big girl sleigh bed. The to-do list will have to wait. I'm going to enjoy a few hours of uninterrupted paper and book reading and then a few more hours stitching away in the Happy Chair!

Happy Saturday, Dearies!



  1. My hubby and I walk our dogs every morning, around our neighborhood, about 2 miles, and it’s a glorious way to start the day, not to mention the health benefits and time together enjoying life.

  2. My hubby and I walk our dogs every morning, around our neighborhood, about 2 miles, and it’s a glorious way to start the day, not to mention the health benefits and time together enjoying life.

  3. My hubby and I walk our dogs every morning, around our neighborhood, about 2 miles, and it’s a glorious way to start the day, not to mention the health benefits and time together enjoying life.

  4. Bless your heart for getting outside!! I can't make myself do that. This Thanksgiving (Gratitude) weekend has been pleasant so far so I hope I will read a little and put some more stitches on my first in a series of mason jar patterns...those that I found on Adorn It. Simple projects but perfect for scattered stitching times...easy to remember where I left off.

  5. Great!! Keep choosing to take those walks, big or little, and after a while you'll actually look forward to it. We're proud of you, pats on the back!

  6. Sounds like a lively plan that will enhance both of you in so
    many ways...There are those who only wish they could walk to
    improve their health, so you two are blessed with the opportunity. Look what it did for your frame of mind... paid
    off in dividends, dear one. Keep it up.....

  7. Good for you Coni!! Every little bit is so good for your mind and body! Keep it up!!

  8. That's wonderful, Coni! All that fresh oxygen air zipping around your body - does wonders! And the lift it has given you is super. You'll find you sleep better too. Poor Mr JB - but I can visualise hahaha!xxx

  9. Go Coni! Short or long, you are reaping the benefits of the fresh air.

  10. Way to go Coni! Walking will do more for you then so many other "exercises."

  11. You might consider getting a Fitbit. It will track your steps and you can set up goals and reminders. It has really helped me become more active!

    1. Yes! I have a knock off and have worn it faithfully every day!

  12. Good for you! Every little bit helps :)
