Oct 2, 2020


Questions abound about how I manage multiple threads. There are almost a hundred for Eliana, and it wasn't until I saw a fellow stitcher's method on the Instagram that I started doing this, but it has really really worked for me.

First you have to get or make yourself a thread pallette. The item I saw on Insta is used by quilters to lay out their designs and comes from the Fat Quarter Shop. It's basically a felt covered board that holds your stuff. Threads cling to it very nicely.

(Thank you again to the stitcher who was so gracious with revealing the info...you rock!)

I couldn't figure out how to label the various and sundry colors to keep them straight, but finally figured out an easy solution...the tiny little DMC bobbin labels that are cheap and readily available:

(I suppose you could use the blank ones and write the symbols if you're using non-DMC threads, or maybe even stick the cards on the pallet in some way with thread names, too.)

Anywhoose...here is what my pallette looks like for Eliana:

I made that one myself, so it's a complete and total mess. For the skeins, I use one of the pallettes I got from The Fat Quarter Shop:

This is where Eliana was when I sat down to stitch yesterday:

 Of course, I forgot to take an "after" photo, but I got quite a bit done! If all goes well, I might finish the front of her dress this weekend.

We'll see.

Absolutely perfect Fall weather here in Hoosierville...50's and breezy and cloudy. It rained off and on all day yesterday, and in between the sun came out and everything sparkled.


OK...time for me to close my eyes. Needle time knocked me right out and Buzzy just screamed and screamed his little head off. I swear, one of these days they're going to go right through my big fat arm and end up pinning me to the chair. I just close my eyes and let the pitiful tears flow onto my big girl tunic top and sing the Sesame Strret song in my head until it's over.

(I'll let you know when that is.)

(I suspect that the problem today was the rookie tech that was trying to impress her pod partner tech, Jordan. He's a hottie and has all of these girls atwitter with false eyelashes and giggles, but I suspect he isn't available.)

(Call it old lady intuition.)

Happy, happy Friday, Dearies! I hope and pray that you are safe and well and that you will have a good weekend. Come tell me all about it!


  1. Hi Coni -- my mask arrived today and I'm wearing it as I write! Love the adjustability (is that a word) and that it is big enough to slip under my glasses to reduce fog!

    Hope your Friday improves and that Elliana cooperates better than Buzzy.

  2. I love that palette idea, but it wouldn't survive my cats. :-(

    I hope you get your at-home dialysis set up. It must be exhausting to have to put on pants and go out for it so often.

  3. Oh dear, these young pretty things! Stop flirting and do the job gently! Ouch! Noooo not the Sesame Street song - oh well an ear worm that makes a change from the Mickey Mouse club that HRH is singing!

  4. Oh no! Hope Buzzy and you are feeling better today. Eliana is looking amazing!
