Jun 9, 2020


Well, I made it. I was a little worried at first because nobody was here when I arrived, but after patiently waiting a half hour, they finally turned the lights on, opened the door, and ushered me in.

This is where folks come for nocturnal dialysis...7:30pm to 3:30am. Thus, I am ensconced in a bed instead of a chair.

Everything else is the same, though, and Buzzy is behaving very nicely after going so long in between treatments.

I did nicely, too, and somehow managed not to gain any weight. Don't ask me how I did that, especially since one would have predicted at least seven or eight pounds of fluid gain, but I'm not going to get too gloat-y over that, since missing treatment is a very bad thing indeed.

OK...time to settle in and read for a bit, I think. I am about halfway through Sue Monk Kidd's "The Book of Longings" and am still wondering about it. Premise....Jesus has a wife named Ana and this is her story of wanting to be a writer.

My gosh...what would Sister Mary Assumpta say about THAT!!

Thank you for the kind comments about the balcony. My JB is very happy to sit out there each afternoon puffing away and listening to the sports radio or Bruce Springsteen.  I am determined to get out there more often with some damn good and the paper, or maybe even for an occasional dinner al fresco.

Oh...and thank you for putting up with my beastliness lately. I have no excuse, but know that worry, fear, and change is usually a recipe for disaster for me.

Happy.....Tuesday, I think. I hope you will do something fun and come tell me all about it!


  1. Happy to see you are being taken care of today and hope your whole day is a good one. No apologies are needed, you have more on your plate than anyone needs. Hope some stitching is involved. Hugs!

  2. Oh Coni! I am sending you hugs through the cyber airways. I hope your chair time went smoothly. Thinking of you!

  3. Sounds like a decent chair day after the wait. Yea for the
    no gain in weight. May the rest of the day rest lightly upon
    your shoulders and allow some time for damn good, reading and relaxing on the balcony.

  4. Not to worry we all have "off" days. Hope your session goes (went) well.

  5. Oooh a bed instead of a chair. That may be nice for a change. Buzzy seems to be happy about things anyways so that is good :)

  6. Glad your Tuesday has been satisfying. You're keepin' on truckin'. We have two of the grandkids with us for a few days. Not only are they taller, but they can toast their own waffles and pour their own milk without covering the floor with it. That makes almost as good a feeling as knowing I don't have to change diapers anymore.

  7. Coni, you handle it all with grace. I am a pretty patient person but I would have been using bad words and throwing things when I got home. Glad things starting to straighten out.

  8. Glad to see you back on track!

  9. Good gravy lady, you have no-thing to apologize for. Fate has been messing with you BIG time and we are here to listen. We are your pressure release valve.

  10. LOL! Love Maureen's pressure release valve! Yayyy Buzzy hasn't let you down - the time has probably confused him! Sounds like a comfortable session and that helps oodles (I love that word - my sister-in-law says it all the time!) and hopefully the hangover will be less too.

    Wednesday here and we have the promised rain, although I'm hoping the dry patch will stay while I let out the birds and feed them - it can rain as much as it likes after that, until it is the birdies tea time. Ducklings have a new house and mum is happy to be moved and tucked those babies back underneath. I have seen feet hanging down from under her wing! They have chick crumbs but likely not to be hungry just yet - tomorrow they will be shovelling food, mum has tested and approves, so she will show them.
    Have a good day everyone! xx
