Jul 28, 2019


That sound you heard was every ounce of energy I had falling out of me and hitting the pavement.


I had such a fantastic week, but about an hour ago my wheels fell right off and I wanted to sit down on the floor of the breakfast restaurant and bawl my eyes out. We went to Mass, ran a few errands, and stopped to eat, and I swear the fatigue and unwells hit me all at once.

Plus, it's hot as YouKnowWhat here again, so I suspect that this is just another case of the ugly humidities.

My JB is at the pool and I have decided to stay right here in the La-Z-Spinster recliner with the paper, the end of my book, a start on Mary Poppins, and the laundry sploshing for company. Lovie has already announced that he would like to have something light and easy for dinner, so I am off the cooking hook and can just rest and relax for the duration.

I hope your Sunday is lovely and swell, Dearies, and that you get to do whatever your heart desires and your body and soul require! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Rest. Relax. Recover. Enjoy doing whatever makes you happiest!

  2. Fun things are exhausting! We don't realise it at the time but the following day, as you described it so well, splat!
    Sadly one of our chickens was foxed yesterday, but lived to tell the tale - vet trip this morning and who knows, she may come home or she may not with me minus an arm or a leg! Yes I still love foxes - they were here first!

  3. Hope your had a restful day yesterday, Coni! Glad you were able to put your feet up!

  4. I understand the heat! We have had two weeks of 100. Ugh! Takes the starch right out of you!
    Do the right thing and stay hydrated, relax and work on May Poppins! Yeah!

  5. Nothing better than light and easy for dinner during the summer! Hope you are having some cooler weather!
