Jun 14, 2018


The kitchen is clean, the bed made, and the laundry is sorted and sploshing. Mister Spinster has departed the cave, and I am left to my own devices until this afternoon.  After my second cup of damn good is dispensed with, I am contemplating a long float in the pool followed by my old lady exercises in the shallow end. Then, I think I will come home and make myself presentable before attempting a healthy dinner.


I could just head back to the big girl sleigh bed for a long snoozy nap with my face in the sun, followed by a marathon stitchy session and lots of bad TeeVee.


What is a spinster to do?

I realize that having this choice is a complete luxury, and I am not unsympathetic to the fact that normal people don't get to have these kind of days, but my non-chair time has become so very precious to me. I have been going to the center for six months now, but still haven't quite gitten the hang of it physically just yet, so non-chair days feel like a total vacation.

I had dreams of my Stewey last night. We were in a hot air balloon floating over Chez Spinster and I was very very sad until he said something funny that made me laugh. I don't remember what it was, exactly, but the vision of him waving his little paw at the rooftop as we floated away was somehow comforting..

Oh, how I miss him.

And my little dream home.

Enough of that. There is relaxing and recovering to do today, and I am determined to do it. The sun is shining and the birds are sweetly tweeting...so let's get on to a Happy Thursday!


  1. We miss Stewey too; but your chicken tales are helping. I say float and then come back for a snoozy nap and THEN start dinner and collapse in chair.
    My chair time is also precious too.
    Ruth in Oxnard CA.
    PS By the way are you familiar with Karen Kay Buckley scissors? My good friend has several of them and they are FABULOUS!

  2. Oh, please, please float in the pool and do your exercises. Then, come back and tell us all about it.

  3. Hmmm, hope you float and sploshed followed by a nap! Whatever you decided, I do hope it was a good one.

  4. I think Stewey was giving you some Dr Seuss advice in your dream, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" xo
