Mar 10, 2018


Don't get too excited, Dearies...I have not yet started to hangover is of the dialysis variety.  (That's a real thing, by the nurse told me it was so and I believe everything he tells me.)

Anywhoose...I have some time here this morning to gather my wit, watch a little Ina, and then maybe do a little dot painting. My second set of tools arrived fom the Happy Dotting Company, so I am itching to give them a go:
This little kit has everything you need to get started, and the tools are acrylic tubes of various diameters

And finally, here are a few of my practice pieces:
I have a looooonnnngggg way to go before I come close to my inspiration, Kerri Park of The Dotted Turtle, but I am enjoying the journey and getting some exercise for my left arm all at the same time. (*)

As for what my right arm has been up to (*)'s a little more progress on the Ink Circles piece:

I confess that I am a little frustrated with the knotting propensity of the Weeks Dye Works, but the colors are so pretty that I am willing to exercise a little patience. It is very different, though, than pulling silk through fabric...that's for sure.

So that's it for a sunny Saturday here in Hoosierville. If I recover sufficiently, we are hoping to attend a hockey game this evening, and rumor has it there might be a hot dog in my future. (I was very good food-wise yesterday, so am entitled to a treat, no?)

Here's hoping that your corner of the world is completely swell and that you are doing everything your heart desires! Come tell us all about it!

(*) I am left-handed kind of, in that I use a fork and write with my left hand. Ever since Buzzy, though, I have had some issues with swelling and weakness in that hand and find it difficult to grasp anything for a length of time. The dot painting seems to be helping this, though, so I'm looking at it as a bit of physical AND mental therapy!  As for my right hand...that's my stitching arm and the one that is dominant. It seems to be doing just fine, but could probably use a little therapy too, since my stitchy progress lately has been rather poor at best!


  1. Try threading your needle with the floss from the other end. I've not used Weeks often, but with DMC and all threads there are two different directions that the floss twists. If you close your eyes and feel down along the thread in one direction then turn it and fell down in the other direction, one way feels "smoother". When threading your needle, try threading it from the rougher end. This way, the smoother side of the floss comes up from the fabric. It should feel rougher going back down from the needle to the fabric. This way, the floss feeds through the holes without snagging or twisting as much. Hope this helps. Adele

  2. Coni, the dots are beautiful! Girl if this is dotting with a overhang LOL, what will happen when overhang gone!

  3. Your dot pieces are incredible, Coni. You might want to try some thread heaven on the floss if you haven't already and use shorter lengths. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. So you dot with your left hand and stitch with your right? Ambi-dextrous much?

    Your practice dots look lovely. As with your stitching and home decor, your colour choices are wonderful!

    Susan Anonymouse

  5. The dots are pretty and so happy. I spent the day at a Quilt class. All day! Thought I’d tell you about it. Just coming out of a very dark period after losing my beloved Downes Syndrome sister in December. Nothing has helped ease the sorrow except crafting. So keep at it and relish the healing powers of being a maker. We are strong, we women, and we will find a way! Bless you, and thank you for this blog and your inspirational writing!

  6. I love your dot paintings!!! You are so good at picking colors out. Can't wait to see more of them!

  7. Is there anything you cannot conquer ?..the dot painting
    looks expert, not "practice"... A good way to describe
    post dialysis...hope the punk dissipates and you have
    a great weekend with JB.

  8. Your dot painting is beautiful!
