Mar 24, 2018


I woke up early today, read the paper, made baked cinnamon donuts, and then...cleaned the entire apartment!  Can I confess something to you, Dearies?  One of my favorite things on the planet (in my former life) was having a Saturday morning in which I played Happy Housewife and did things like bake and clean and putz about the house organizing and tidying.

But I have not done that in years!

Between me getting sicker, Stewey getting sick, moving, playing with my Guild Sisters, and then the arrival of Jersey Boy and the start of dialysis, I've gotten completely out of the habit of Saturdaying. I relied on Cottage Care to keep me from being featured on reality teevee, but I always felt so guilty for having "help", and I had a hard time justifying the expense for such a small place. Today, though,I was determined to give it a go, and despite a major treatment hangover, I hitched up my britches and went for it.

I'm happy to report that I survived...kind of, but it might be a minute before I have the ability to do it again.  I'm wiped out, but it's a good kind of wiped out and I have something to show for it. Rich is happy that I got some exercise and seem to be less "on the ceiling" with angst over the dust bunnies, so...Good Show, Tubby!  Way to sweat up your jammies and get a little work out in at the same time!

Tomorrow, if I can raise my arms or get our of the big girl sleigh bed, I am going to tackle that cube room studio/Jersey Boy empire headquarters once and for all.  It has become a glorified closet and catch-all space, and I am in desperate need of some order with respects to my stitchy stash.

Charleston cheese dip and chicken fajitas for dinner tonight and tomorrow I am going to make a Smitten Kitchen brisket with mashed potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts with shallots.

Thank you for your prayers and happy thoughts for good sessions this week.  They were still rough, but I really do feel like I'm going to get the hang of it eventually....just in time for transplant, I hope!

Happy, happy Saturday to you and yours! I hope you do everything that makes your heart sing! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Cleaning house is like performing an exorcism; out go the wicked spirits of discord and disorder and so forth............Why can't my stash STAY organized? That's next for me too. I keep buying floss for this or that idea or project from magazines and then I forget what I intended to do so I have these little baggies with various assortments of floss and keep hoping some little elf will connect them up to the right project. And then there are all those thread collections leftover from past projects that need organizing. It makes me so tired to think about it that I need to read a book first. And so it goes........All the best, Coni, I pray for you often that you may be restored to full health soon.

  2. Gracious, I can't think of many things I dislike more than house cleaning. It certainly doesn't send me over the moon with satisfaction. You are amazing!

  3. What an awesome soul you are... but I agree, it gives one
    a victorious feeling to look over your should and see
    order and squeaky clean... Your picture says it all, bless you. Hope you awaken tomorrow refreshed and ready
    to carry on....

  4. You make me ashamed, with your spiffy clean household! Yes, I have extensive spinal arthritis, but my heaven-sent TENS unit can alleviate that pain. So why am I not sitting within a clean and orderly environment such as yours? Ummmm—could it be my congenital laziness? Right, on the first guess. I’m trying to use your post as inspiration, but so far, no result

  5. Saturday morning baking sounds like fun. Cleaning - not so much. But your place looks beautiful, and tomorrow’s dinner sounds delightful. Hope the entire weekend is a joy.

  6. Always... love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn ♥♥♥

  7. As always, Coni, you are an inspiration! Dinner sounds lovely! I hope you and JB have a splendid weekend!

  8. Good for you! I used to clean Saturday Moro when I was much younger!!! Now I sleep!!! LOL What is Charleston cheese dip? Sounds yummy!

  9. Your house looks neat as a pin. I can see the vacuum tracks on the carpet. I love that pillow over on the couch, but it sure looks strange seeing the pillow there and not JB's feet.😀Hope you feel great tomorrow!

  10. Oh, Coni, I want to grow up to be like you with your Saturdaying - but I'm not holding my breath!!! LOL I vote for the transplant, thank you!

  11. Coni, what is Charleston cheese dip? Would you share your recipe? I hope your Sunday is a blessed one.

  12. There's nothing like a nice, clean house. Getting it clean is a pain.

  13. Another vote for your Charleston Ceese Dip recipe... please?

  14. Your home looks beautiful as always and take the help! Even when you feel up to doing all the cleaning yourself again still take the help :)
