Dec 15, 2017


I'm so sorry for my absence, Dearies.  I have received a few hundred concerned emails wanting to know my whereabouts and my whatsywhoosits, but just haven't felt well enough to post.  It would seem that I have a bit of the flu that has settled in my left side.  My ear, eye, neck, and jaw are a bit worse for wear, but I have been dispatched to the Happy Chair with fluids, Tylenol, and the care of a very nervous Jersey Boy for company.

All will be well soon, I promise.

There are plans afoot for the weekend and the next few weeks.  The weekend will involve a turkey and lots of Happy Chair time for me, and then next week Rich will head to New Jersey and I will head to the cube room studio to plan the 2018 Spinster Stitcher Year of Fun.

Details soon, I promise.

The weekend is upon us, so let's all do something fun and come tell each other all about it!


  1. Glad you are feeling better!!!! Enjoy your weekend😊

  2. Hope you are feeling 100% real soon:)

  3. Sending love, hugs & prayers, Cathryn ♥♥♥

  4. Good to hear from you. I finished my ornaments, finally. I think I get later every year! I don’t think I can post a picture of them here, so maybe I’ll send you an email.

  5. Good to hear that you are situated in your Happy Chair with the proper provisions and JB ministering at your side. Sorry about the Left Side distress, but hopefully
    you will be able to carry through your weekend plans. Count on us to keep you company when JB returns to the
    homeland.... Take it slow and heal, little one.

  6. Take good care so you'll be your ol sassy self again!

  7. Ouch, ouch ouch!Hope the Tylenol + fluids (+ your Jersey boy) work their magic and you're feeling better very soon. I've experienced this type of 'semi-flu' and it's miserable. Sending you healthy thoughts and prayers. Luv,

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Hugs and prayers!

  9. Oh dear....hoping your ‘left side syndrome ‘ clears up quickly & you are back to 100%. Rest & recoup this weekend & have some Spinster fun in the cube room. Can’t wait to hear about your finds there. Sending along prayers & hugsk

  10. So glad to see you back ~ sorry you are not feeling well.
    Prayers, Jo Ann

  11. Sorry you feel yucky. Hope you can rally for the weekend activities. I'm sad JB is leaving for the holiday, but can think of no better way to pass the time than with thread and needle, and all things related.

  12. Only on your left side? So odd. Is that due to the kidney issues and Fuzzy and such? I hope Jersey Boy isn't too nervous about leaving you alone! Although, I'm sure you'll be fine - as I say my prayers for you.

  13. Hope you feel much better soon. I’m sure the treatment and JB’s TLC will help.

  14. I am so sorry you are not feeling well Coni...I hope you feel better soonest and can get back your normal bounce! xo Mj

  15. Hope you feel better soon, Coni.

  16. Can't wait to see what your plans are!
